Back in the Summer of 2008, the Johnson Room in the ZSR Library became the Graduate Student Lounge! (version 1) Then, in September 2021, the Graduate Student Lounge moved to Dr. Ed Wilson’s previous office, ZSR 425. This move added a kitchenette and printing services for graduate students. (version 2) Now, for Fall 2024, thanks to support from a ZSR Library Innovation Grant, the graduate student lounge is piloting a “Snack Stash” for graduate students, stocking the kitchenette every Monday with hearty snacks for the week! (Forgot your lunch? Drop by!)

ZSR Snack Stash

We’ve also added information about Library Liaisons to the Graduate Programs and are partnering with CLASS to host writing events for graduate students as well! Our goal is to make this already amazing space even more welcoming to our graduate students! If you visit the lounge, please be sure to submit feedback using the QR code posted in the lounge to give us feedback on version 2.5! We want to hear from our graduate students!

Grad Lounge Kitchenette