Events & Exhibits

Here @ ZSR

Nominate an Outstanding Student for the Senior Showcase

Senior Showcase 2011 This spring, ZSR will sponsor the third annual Senior Showcase to recognize outstanding senior thesis research and senior projects completed by undergraduates. Launched in 2010, the first showcase featured research from three seniors. Last year’s event expanded to feature research from five seniors, each representing a different division of the College. The... Continue reading “Nominate an Outstanding Student for the Senior Showcase”

Upcoming Technology Workshops

The library will host workshops this spring on: Mendeley, a new application for research management and collaboration; Web-based tools to visualize and analyze data; Zotero, an open-source application for research management; and Tumblr for microblogging. View these and other events! Additionally, find supporting documentation for Zotero, EndNote and Google, as well as many other applications,... Continue reading “Upcoming Technology Workshops”

Lecture Series Returns

The Library Lecture Series resumed last week with a speech by senior Fannézha Ford. She was the student winner of the 2011 WFU/WSSU Martin Luther King, Jr. Building the Dream Award. She spoke on the significance of education and service in her life, both as an African American and as a student at Wake Forest.... Continue reading “Lecture Series Returns”

Religion 266- Sects and Cults Exhibits

This fall, I worked with Dr. Lynn Neal again in her class on Sects and Cults (Religion 266). We did this two years ago, and had a few minor complaints. This year, we met as a group and discussed what happened before and the entire class conscientiously attempted to be less provocative in terms of... Continue reading “Religion 266- Sects and Cults Exhibits”

New Documentary Film Student Premieres

This afternoon I had the joy of viewing a few of the Documentary Film Program’s first year students’ works. Cindy Hill, Associate Director of the DFP, welcomed her students, then thanked the library for the auditorium. After each film, the faculty critiqued each piece. Among the faculty was Peter Gilbert, award-winning producer, director and cinematographer,... Continue reading “New Documentary Film Student Premieres”

Peace Corps Information Literacy Exhibits

During the Fall Semester, my Information Literacy class (ably assisted by Ellen Makaravage) adopted the Peace Corps as our overall theme. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps begun by President John F. Kennedy. The class covered the usual topics: using the catalog and databases, citations,evaluating the web, etc. We also had... Continue reading “Peace Corps Information Literacy Exhibits”

Archives Week Exhibit

Archives Week features the archival collections around North Carolina. Rebecca Peterson and I put together an exhibit which highlights the ZSR Library materials from the Civil War. These are the Confederate Broadsides, Herbert Valentine Diary, George Bright Diary and Lipe Family Letters. Continue reading “Archives Week Exhibit”

Banned Books Week 2011

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Banned Books Week 2011

Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment. Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of... Continue reading “Banned Books Week 2011”

Lecture Series Fall Schedule

The Library Lecture Series moves to the new auditorium this fall. Katy Harriger, Professor and chair of Political Science, opened the series on Wednesday, September 14, with a program entitled “The Impact of 9/11 on American Politics”. Other topics for this semester include: An examination of the epic poem Beowulf. The repeal of the “Don’t... Continue reading “Lecture Series Fall Schedule”