Here @ ZSR
The Late Night Breakfast – Fall 2008
First rule of serving food at the Late Night Breakfast? Don’t leave your tongs under the heat lamp! (They get really hot!) On Monday, December 8th, I joined a group of Wake Forest staff and faculty as we served an all-you-can-eat breakfast in “The Pit” from 9 – 11:30 p.m. Entertainment was provided by various... Continue reading “The Late Night Breakfast – Fall 2008” ›
Turkeypalooza 2008
On behalf of the Staff Association Committee, THANK YOU LIBRARY STAFF for your generous donations to this year’s Turkeypalooza, hosted by Campus Kitchen. Campus Kitchen provides meals to local food shelters and community centers in Winston-Salem and hosts Turkeypalooza each November, which prepares roughly 15,000 Thanksgiving meals. This year, the ZSR Library provided 5 gallons... Continue reading “Turkeypalooza 2008” ›
ZSR Partners for “The Big Read”: Fahrenheit 451
National Endowment for the Arts: The Big Read The Forsyth County Public Library has received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to sponsor a community-wide Big Read project as an extension of their annual “On the Same Page” program. The ZSR Library is a contributing partner to this project. The county-wide program... Continue reading “ZSR Partners for “The Big Read”: Fahrenheit 451” ›
Library hits the bricks!
The ZSR library hit the bricks today to help support the Brian Piccolo cancer research fund. Eight hours of fun, walking, and Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Susan led the team off at 11am and currently Carol Cramer is braving the headwind and clouds to keep our baton heading around the quad! Continue reading “Library hits the bricks!” ›
ZSR Host TIP Students
On Friday, June 6th 250 students receiving recognition for their outstanding Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) plus their families were on the campus of Wake Forest University to go on campus tours and attend various sessions. The ZSR Library hosted two such sessions, one entitled “In the Know: Rare Books and Archives” and one entitled... Continue reading “ZSR Host TIP Students” ›
Cook Elementary School Visit
On Friday, April 27th, a group of fifth graders from Cook Elementary School visited the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. Their tour was part of their Wake Forest University campus visit, and we were asked to show them some of the interesting things that can be done in the library. After a quick history of the... Continue reading “Cook Elementary School Visit” ›