Digital Scholarship

Digital Scholarship news from ZSR Library

Wake Forest’s Historical Costumes Take the Stage in the Digital Age

“It smells kind of like feet down here,” I say. In truth, it smells very much like feet. “Well, yes, that’d be the shoe room,” Mary replies, pointing to an open door, through which I can see rows upon rows of shelves, overflowing with shoes of all types. It’s the smell of generations of feet,... Continue reading “Wake Forest’s Historical Costumes Take the Stage in the Digital Age”

DH@Wake Summer Institute Applications are Open

Wake Forest faculty are invited to apply for the 2023 DH@Wake Summer Institute: Digital Projects in the Open. Our 3-day workshop will explore opportunities and resources for publishing digital projects in teaching and research activities. Hosted by ZSR Library’s Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication team, the Summer Institute will be held in-person at ZSR Library... Continue reading “DH@Wake Summer Institute Applications are Open”

DH@Wake Presents Fenella France, Library of Congress

The DH@Wake Speaker Series is pleased to host a lecture by Dr. Fenella France, Library of Congress, on Monday, January 30 at 3:30 pm in the ZSR Auditorium (404). A light reception will follow in the Special Collections Reading Room. Dr. France is the Chief of the Preservation Research and Testing Division at the Library... Continue reading “DH@Wake Presents Fenella France, Library of Congress”

Call for Applications: DH@Wake Summer Institute: Digital Publishing – May 2022

ZSR Library’s Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication team invites Wake Forest faculty to join us for the 2022 DH@Wake Summer Institute: Digital Publishing. Our 3-day workshop will explore opportunities and resources for digital publishing in teaching and research activities. The Summer Institute will be held in-person (unless public health conditions require moving online) at ZSR... Continue reading “Call for Applications: DH@Wake Summer Institute: Digital Publishing – May 2022”

New Open Access Publishing Fund Application System

The Open Access Publishing Fund, co-sponsored by Z. Smith Reynolds Library and the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, is now managed on Oable. ZSR Library was one of five international partners to first launch Oable this past spring, and the new OA Publishing Fund application form went live in mid-October. Oable enables more seamless... Continue reading “New Open Access Publishing Fund Application System”

Fall Workshops on Data, Copyright, & More

The Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication department in ZSR Library invites faculty, staff, and graduate students to join us for our fall workshops on data carpentry, qualitative research tools, and course materials & copyright. Each workshop will be offered twice, once virtually and once in person. Note that for virtual sessions, a Zoom link will... Continue reading “Fall Workshops on Data, Copyright, & More”

Core Principles of Access, Equity, & Intention

The Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication team is pleased to share our Core Principles of Access, Equity, and Intention. These Core Principles are the ideals that underscore our work within our team, with colleagues in ZSR and the Faculty Commons, and with Wake Forest faculty, staff, and students. At our team retreat in February 2020,... Continue reading “Core Principles of Access, Equity, & Intention”

The Shape of Emotions, a DH@Wake Event

Please join us on March 9, 4:00-5:00 pm, for a DH@Wake Speaker Series Event, The Shape of Emotions: A Sentiment Analysis of Cicero’s Speeches in Latin. Dr. Caitlin Marley, Department of World Languages and Cultures at Bowling Green State University, will share her research on Marcus Tullius Cicero, in which she applies distant reading techniques... Continue reading “The Shape of Emotions, a DH@Wake Event”

Love Data Week 2021

Research data curation aims to give scholarly data context and ongoing care. Curation is a critical part of making data available and understandable to the researchers who collect it and to the broader scholarly community. Data curators have been working hard to ensure that the datasets associated with scholarly research live on and are “FAIR”... Continue reading “Love Data Week 2021”

Improving Accessibility in Virtual Spaces

For almost a year, we’ve been rushing from one virtual meeting to the next, and learning to schedule and host Zoom meetings as we go. One aspect of organizing virtual events that may get lost in the rush to learn and adapt to new technologies is accessibility. The Wake Forest Accessible Working Content Group has... Continue reading “Improving Accessibility in Virtual Spaces”