ZSR Library Letters

News and more from ZSR Library

Professional Achievement on the website

We have recently added a new page to the library website: Professional Achievement, a running list of staff publications and presentations. While many of the items can also be found in the most recent annual report, we hope the list continues to grow, to highlight our contributions to librarianship. So send us your latest and... Continue reading “Professional Achievement on the website”

Inauguration/MLK Event: The Dream Realized?

What Barack Obama’s Election Means to America The Z. Smith Reynolds Library proudly announces the first event of the Spring 2009 ZSR Library Lecture Series, “The Dream Realized? What Barack Obama’s Election Means to America.” This program will honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and commemorate the history-making inauguration of our nation’s 44th president with... Continue reading “Inauguration/MLK Event: The Dream Realized?”

Korean Film Series sponsored by the Museum of Anthropology

This semester, the Museum of Anthropology at Wake Forest University is sponsoring the Korean Film Series at the Reynolda House on Thursday evenings in January and February in conjunction with the exhibit, “Korean Funerary Figures: Companions for the Journey to the Other World.” Last evening, I served as commentator of the film Never Forever, which... Continue reading “Korean Film Series sponsored by the Museum of Anthropology”

Some Rights Reserved: ZSR’s Flickr Site and Creative Commons

With the approval of Admin Council, I have added a Creative Commons license to most of our Flickr pictures. What’s does that mean? Well, if you’ve ever noticed the awesome photography in any of Lauren P.’s presentations recently, then you’ve already seen one of the benefits. Creative Commons allows us to tell potential users in... Continue reading “Some Rights Reserved: ZSR’s Flickr Site and Creative Commons”

ZSR Zephyrs Celebrate Last Summer’s Accomplishments

On one of the coldest days in recent years, the ZSR Zephyrs gathered to celebrate our 2nd place finish in last summer’s staff Olympics. Our prize was a $50 gift certificate to Chipotle’s and it languished in my desk drawer for months. But, when everyone remembered it, we quickly set a time for a “reunion”... Continue reading “ZSR Zephyrs Celebrate Last Summer’s Accomplishments”

Calloway Professor Publishes in Open Access Journal

Donald P. Robin, J. Tylee Wilson Professor of Business Ethics, is the first Calloway professor to publish in an Open Access journal. His article, “Toward an Applied Meaning for Ethics in Business,” has been accepted in The Journal of Business Ethics, a hybrid Open Access journal published by Springer. Academic libraries in general, and the... Continue reading “Calloway Professor Publishes in Open Access Journal”

Recycle Batteries@ZSR

As many of you may recall, the ZSR Library has been recycling batteries at the ITC desk for years. This began back in the days of the old Palm PDAs that ran off of copious amounts of AAA batteries. Back then, Ellen Knott and I would make a trip every semester to 3RC the Envirostation... Continue reading “Recycle Batteries@ZSR”

Book Jacket Wreaths 2008

It’s arts and crafts time!! Following the boisterous and jolly Holiday Luncheon at Graylyn, staff members gathered in Wilson 476 to make holiday wreaths using book jackets collected throughout the year. Following in true “Kindergarten arts and crafts style” we had pre-cut leaves, bows, ribbons, and holly berries. If feeling particularly gifted, we also supplied... Continue reading “Book Jacket Wreaths 2008”

‘Tis the season….

Setting up those Christmas/Holiday decorations Singing those Christmas/Holiday songs Buying all those special gifts Re-gifting those fruit cakes And best of all, just like Santa comes to all the malls, Wake the Library comes to ZSR. Every year around this time, ZSR staff pulls together in efforts to help the students through their final week... Continue reading “‘Tis the season….”

Writing Symposium – Ways of Writing for the 21st Century: The College Classroom and Beyond

On Monday, November 17th I attended the Writing Symposium panel discussion in Benson along with what appeared to be 75-100 faculty, staff, and students. The symposium was sponsored by the Department of English, the Teaching and Learning Center, and the Offices of the Dean and Provost. Tom McGohey of the English department gave a background... Continue reading “Writing Symposium – Ways of Writing for the 21st Century: The College Classroom and Beyond”