Carol Cramer

Carol Cramer
Carol Cramer
Head of Collection Management

Carol’s subject areas include: Classics; Linguistics; World Languages & Literature; Medieval & Early Modern Studies; Russian & East European Studies

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Carol Joyner Cramer has worked at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library since 1999. She is currently Head of Collection Management. Before tackling Collection Management, she worked in Reference and as an Electronic Resources Librarian. She has also taught a credit-bearing Information Literacy course to undergraduates. She has a BA in Comparative Area Studies from Duke University and an MSLS from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.


Cramer, Carol. (2018). Being Earnest with Collections – What Happens After Short-Term Loan Withdrawal?. Against the Grain, 30(1), 63-64.

Cramer, Carol. (2016). Alternatives to Demand-Driven Acquisition: An Exploration of Opportunity Costs. Against the Grain, 28(2), 20-23.

Cramer, Carol. (2013). All About Demand-Driven Acquisition. The Serials Librarian, 65(1), 87-97.


Cramer, Carol, Shields, Kathy, & Silton, Kate. (2024, November). Beyond the Bookshelf: Expanding Access to Leisure Reading with Electronic Collections (Stopwatch Session). Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol. (2024, November). Accessibility and DEI Work in Libraries: A Realpolitik Approach (Stopwatch Session). Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol. (2019, November). What We Can Learn from the Big Deal that Never Was (Stopwatch Session). Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol, Davis, Hilary, Mohanty, Suchi, & Whittenberger, Lynn. (2018, November). Popular Reading Collections in Academic Libraries – A Panel Discussion on Goals, Parameters, and Campus Reactions. Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol. (2017, November). A Tempest in a Teapot? Comparing Same-Publisher Sales Before and After DDA Withdrawal (Shotgun Session). Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol. (2016, May). If DDA is Dead, then Long Live…What?: An Exploration of DDA Alternatives. NCICU Purchasing Committee Annual Meeting, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC.

Cramer, Carol, Sandler, Mark, Metz-Wiseman, Monica, Paulson, Kari, Lugg, Rick, & Jarvis, Alan. (2015, November). The Changing Academic Book Market Landscape: What’s Next?. Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Collins, Dave, Barbosa-Jerez, Mary, & Cramer, Carol. (2015, July). Weed it and Reap: Successful Strategies for Re-shaping Collections. ACRL Webcast, Webinar.

Collins, Dave, Barbosa-Jerez, Mary, & Cramer, Carol. (2015, March). Weed it and Reap: Successful Strategies for Re-shaping Collections. ACRL 2015, Portland, OR.

Cramer, Carol, & Daugman, Ellen. (2014, March). Facing Faculty Fears about Embracing the E-Book: Communication Strategies for Liaison Librarians. 23rd Annual North Carolina Serials Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.

Cramer, Carol, Daugman, Ellen, & Mills, Caroline. (2013, November). Facing Fears About Deselection and eBooks; Strategies to Help Both Faculty and Librarians Feel Safe. 33rd Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol. (2012, November). Running a Contest to Encourage Timely Monograph Ordering (Shotgun Session). 32nd Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol. (2012, August). All About Demand-Driven Acquisition. LEETS: Libraries eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit, Mississippi State, MS.

Leonard, Elisabeth, Luckett, Erin, Birkinshaw, David, Hancox, Matthew, Cramer, Carol, Williams, Jeff, & Seeman, Corey. (2010, November). Straight Talk. 30th Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC.

Cramer, Carol. (2010, May). Serials Assessment. NCICU Purchasing Committee Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.

Committees & Offices Held

UNC University Library Advisory Council, Ex-Officio Member, Shared Electronic Content and Efficiencies Working Group. (October 2021 – Present).

Carolina Consortium, Member, Advisory Group. (June 2021 – Present).

NC LIVE, Member, Resource Advisory Committee. (June 2013 – June 2019).

North Carolina Library Association, Member, Planning Committee for 2013 Conference. (October 2012 – October 2013).

North Carolina Library Association, Member, Planning Committee for 2011 Conference. (October 2010 – October 2011).

Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, Member, Collaborative Journal Retention Program Steering Committee. (July 2010 – December 2015).

North Carolina Library Association, Chair, Finance Committee. (January 2010 – December 2013).