Carolyn McCallum

Carolyn McCallum
Carolyn McCallum
Cataloging Librarian - Nonprint Resources

Carolyn’s subject areas include: Anthropology


Womack, Hubert, Webb, Meghan, & McCallum, Carolyn. (2018). Writers Camp @ ZSR: Camping, Writing, and Publishing in the Library!. North Carolina Libraries, 76(1), 11-17.

McCallum, Carolyn, Gilbertson, Kevin, Kelley, Steve, & Corbett, Lauren. (2017). Can RDA Content, Media, and Carrier Coding Improve Discovery Facet Mapping?. Library Resources & Technical Services, 61(2), 93-101.

Burris, Christian, McCallum, Carolyn, & Keener, Molly. (2016). Incorporating Branded Academic Library Programming to Promote and Showcase Campus Research and Artistic Performances. North Carolina Libraries, 74(1), 13-20.

Mitchell, Erik, & McCallum, Carolyn. (2012). Old Data, New Scheme: An Exploration of Metadata Migration Using Expert-guided Computational Techniques. Proceedings of the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49(1).

Kelley, Steve, McCallum, Carolyn, & Lock, Mary Beth. (2012). The Cataloging of E-Book Readers: A Service Model-Oriented Approach. Serials Review, 38(3), 178-182.

McCallum, Carolyn, & Collins, Bobbie. (2011). Enhancing the Information Literacy Classroom Experience: A Cataloger and a Reference Librarian Team up to Deliver Library Instruction. Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services, 35(1/Spring), 10-18.

Pressley, Lauren, & McCallum, Carolyn. (2008). Putting the Library in Wikipedia. Online Magazine, 32(5), 39-42.

Book Reviews

McCallum, Carolyn. (2015). Ecology, Economy, Equity: The Path to a Carbon-Neutral Library [Book review]. Technical Services Quarterly, 32(4), 464-466.


Kelley, Steve, McCallum, Carolyn, & Gilbertson, Kevin. (2017, March). Can RDA Content, Media, and Carrier Coding Improve Discovery Facet Mapping?. LAUNC-CH Annual Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.

McCallum, Carolyn, & Mitchell, Erik. (2012, June). FRBRizing Mark Twain. ALA 2012 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

McCallum, Carolyn, & Mitchell, Erik. (2012, June). Current Research on and Use of FRBR in Libraries. ALA 2012 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Mitchell, Erik, McCallum, Carolyn, & Strickland, Patricia. (2011, October). Application of FRBR to Existing MARC Data: A Comparison of Outcomes. ASIS&T 2011 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

McCallum, Carolyn, & Collins, Bobbie. (2009, June). Developing IL Credit Courses Across the Disciplines: LIB 210 Social Sciences. 4th Annual Information Literacy Conference, Charlotte, NC.

Committees & Offices Held

ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section, Resource Review and Bibliography Committee, Member. (July 1, 2016 – Present).

ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section, Review and Planning Committee, Member. (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2017).

ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section, Executive Committee, Secretary. (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2017).

ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section, Subject and Bibliographic Access Committee, Chair. (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2016).

ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section, Subject and Bibliographic Access Committee, Co-Chair. (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013).

Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians Planning Committee, Member. (January 27, 2012 – May 17, 2013).

ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section, Subject and Bibliographic Access Committee, Member. (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2016).

ALA ALCTS Cataloging and Metadata Management Section, Recruitment and Mentoring Committee, Member. (July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2012).

Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians Planning Committee, Member. (January 22, 2010 – March 25, 2011).

North Carolina Library Association, Scholarships Committee, Member. (July 1, 2009 – October 24, 2015).