Elizabeth Ellis

Elizabeth Ellis (she/her)
Teaching Librarian
Tedford, Rosalind, Gambill, Joy, Kaufman, Amanda, & Ellis, Elizabeth. (2023). 20 years of credit-bearing courses: Reflections, takeaways, and next steps. College and Research Libraries News, 84(10), 369-372. https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/26112/34034
Ellis, Elizabeth, Webb, Meghan, & Kaufman, Amanda. (2023, May). Misinformation, Algorithms, and Privacy: Helping Students Situation Information Literacy Issues Within Wider Social, Cultural, Political, and Technological Contexts. LOEX 2022, Ypsilanti, MI. https://loexconference.org/files/loex-2022-program-grid-v042922_sessions-only.pdf