Steve Kelley

Steve Kelley
Steve Kelley (he/him/his)
Head of Continuing Resources & Database Management

Steve Kelley is the Head of Continuing Resources and Database Management and leads a section that includes three staff members. The section is responsible for serials cataloging, serials receipt, binding and marking materials, authority control, and catalog database maintenance. Steve earned his MLS from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1998 and his BA (history, with a Russian minor) from Washington University in St. Louis in 1991. He began working at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library in 2002. Steve was a cataloging librarian at Ball State University from 1999 to 2002. Steve’s professional achievements include being elected in 2013 to a three-year term as Vice President/President/Past President of NASIG (an international organization of librarians, publishers and vendors in the field of serials and continuing resources).


Kelley, Steve. (2017). Recent Developments and Future Directions in RDA. Technicalities, 37(3), 10-13.

McCallum, Carolyn, Gilbertson, Kevin, Kelley, Steve, & Corbett, Lauren. (2017). Can RDA Content, Media, and Carrier Coding Improve Discovery Facet Mapping?. Library Resources & Technical Services, 61(2), 93-101.

Kelley, Steve. (2016). The Smaller Library Staff's Perspective on BIBFRAME. Technicalities, 36(6), 8-11.

Kelley, Steve. (2016). Possible Major Changes Afoot in the World of RDA. Technicalities, 36(3), 14-17.

Kelley, Steve. (2015). Some Advice for Implementing RDA in Your Library. Technicalities, 35(6), 15-18.

Book Reviews

Kelley, Steve. (2021). Maximizing the Impact of Comics in Your Library: Graphic Novels, Manga, and More. Technical Services Quarterly, 38(1), 104-105.

Kelley, Steve. (2020). Comics and Critical Librarianship: Reframing the Narrative in Academic Libraries. Technical Services Quarterly, 37(4), 469-470.


Webb, Meghan, & Kelley, Steve. (2019, October). Alienated Superheroes, Feminist Dystopias, and Graphic Memoirs: Comics in the Academic Library. North Carolina Library Association 63rd Biennial Conference, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Kelley, Steve, McCallum, Carolyn, & Gilbertson, Kevin. (2017, March). Can RDA Content, Media, and Carrier Coding Improve Discovery Facet Mapping?. LAUNC-CH Annual Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.

Committees & Offices

ALA Core Metadata & Collections Section Leadership Team, Chair. (July 1, 2023 - Present).

NASIG Conference Planning Committee, Member. (May 25, 2023 - Present).

ALA Core Metadata & Collections Section Leadership Team, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect. (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023).

NASIG Conference Planning Committee, Co-Chair. (June 9, 2022 - May 25, 2023).

ALA Core Metadata & Collections Section Leadership Team, Member of Leadership Team. (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022).