Thank you, Maia!
Maia Dickinson, ZSR’s former Circulation Supervisor, has accepted a library acquisitions role at UNC School of the Art’s library. During her time at ZSR, Maia trained dozens of students, collaborated with the Public Services team on the Wellness Collection, and received the 2024 ZSR Library Outstanding Staff Employee of the Year award for her work with Jemma Johnson on library outreach. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her the best at UNCSA!
Summer Shifting Projects: The Final Stretch
The Public Services Team is continuing the process of condensing the physical collections in Wilson 1 to consolidate available shelving space. This is the first part of a large-scale project intended to improve circulating physical collections’ organization, distribution, and accessibility. Thanks to the amazing work from ZSR staff and summer student employees, the collection from the A to DS call numbers have been successfully shifted!
August Book Displays
Erin Jones created two book displays located in the display cases in the entrance way featuring WFU authors and books by participants in the Face to Face speaker series. If you’re interested in one of her picks, scan the book’s QR code to find a copy.
4 Comments on ‘What’s New in Public Services: August 2024’
Maia, we will miss you! Jemma, thanks for this update! Erin, the display cases look wonderful!
Great job — thanks for these monthly updates!!
Thanks for keeping us informed on what is happening in Public Services!
We miss you, Maia, thank you for your valuable contributions to students and fellow ZSR employees! And special thanks to our ILL and docu delivery colleagues who work double-time during the semester’s start!!