Update on LibAnswers

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Last month we shared our internal challenge to answer 100% of all LibAnswers tickets received during open hours within one hour. In April (our first month focusing on this data point) we answered 76% of all tickets within an hour, with an average response time of 61 minutes. In May, we answered 86% of all tickets within in an hour, and our average response time dropped to 20 minutes!

Leganto Implementation

Our new course reserves system (Leganto) went live for students on May 11th and is now being used in 64 summer session I courses! A big thank you to the implementation committee: from ZSR: David Link, James Harper, Kyle Denlinger, Jessica Wilson-Saia, Rodrigo Castro, and Thomas Dowling, and from campus IT: Drew Ray and Sabrina Mack.

Summer Shifting Projects

The Public Services Team is currently working on condensing physical collections in Wilson 1 to consolidate available shelving space. This is the first part of a large-scale project intended to improve circulating physical collections’ organization, distribution, and accessibility. We’d like to thank our summer student employees for all of their help with this project.

Professional Development

May was a busy month for conference presentations with Will Ritter, Jemma Johnson, and myself all presenting at NC Live. In June, Will continues the momentum, presenting a poster on our Wellness Collection entitled “Transforming Challenges into Wellness Opportunities” at the Metrolina Library Association Conference in Charlotte on June 13.

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