February Events

CKI and World Tea Association, Feb. 4

CKI & World Tea Association had a table introducing students to Circle K International’s community service opportunities and the World Tea Association’s exploration of global tea cultures.

Wake Up Wednesday, Feb. 12

Wake Up Wednesday is a recurring event where the Division of Campus Life provides breakfast items and snacks to students, and raising awareness about what the Division of Campus Life does.

Anthropology Day, Feb. 20

On Anthropology Day (February 20), Dr. Timothy Gitzen spoke with students at a table across from the Public Services Desk about the Anthropology Department and career paths in the field.

Shifting Projects

The temporary shifting on Reynolds 8 has been completed! We have now begun the permanent shift of the HM-HX books. Thank you to all the staff and student workers who are keeping this project ahead of schedule!

Reynolds 8 in ZSR Library with partially filled shelves; filled shelves on the left and mostly empty shelves on the right.

Student Workers’ Chronicles

The new recurring blog series, “Public Services Student Worker Chronicles,” was launched this month. Edited by Laura Milcarzyk, February’s post featured book recommendations from the department’s student workers. Beef up your TBR list and read the full post here.

Data Clean Up Collaboration

Continuing the ongoing collaboration between Resource Services and Public Services, Jemma Johnson is working with Kathy Martlock on data clean up for items in the catalog with lost/missing internal notes and reviewing peripheral item records for inconsistencies.

Professional Development & Presentations

In her work on the NCLA Intellectual Freedom Committee and Library Advocacy & Legislation Section, Jemma Johnson collaborated to launch ReadFreeNC.Org in February. She is also managing the social media for the group on Instagram and Facebook @ReadFreeNC. Read Free NC is a touchpoint for library workers in our state concerned with or facing censorship at their work, organized and maintained by library colleagues from across the state.

Comment Board

February saw a whopping 25 posts on the comment board! Commenters had some opinions on sports, atrium furniture, and NC State to name a few.

Image of a bulletin board with various notes, including discussions about the Florida Panthers, requests for tables, and musings on finding love. Transcribed Text: Comment: Lets go Fla Panthers ❤️ Go cats. Response: We cheer for a different Panthers team around here... Comment: Why no more tables? Why I fight to find table? Pls more sire. Response: We will hopefully be getting all new atrium furniture in the future, including tables... but the wheels of furniture delivery can move pretty slowly. In the meantime, please cease all fighting for tables to verbal matches only, my good knights. Comment: How do I find real love? Asking the easy questions today are we? Response: If you figure it out, let the rest of us know. Follow up comment: YOU CAN'T FIND LOVE IT FINDS YOU!

Book Displays

There were several new displays in February. In celebration of Black History Month, Laura Milcarzyk created a display and slide presentation both entitles “Influential African Americans of the Antebellum North” based on her personal research. Rodrigo Castro also created display and presentation on Black postmodernism.
Laura also curated a display of book recommendations from ZSR’s student workers. Thank you to all who submitted their rec’s!

Upcoming Displays

  • Spring Fling Romances, March
  • Books to Take You Places, March
  • Complex Women in Fiction, March
  • Haunted by Nature: Eco-Gothic & Environmental Horror, April

Offsite Storage

From Ty Wilson: Offsite storage replaced the 15-year-old battery in their main lift! Weighing in at over 2000 pounds, these batteries typically have a lifespan of 3 years in normal warehouse environments, so we really got our money’s worth from the last one. Here’s hoping the new one lasts just as long.

The large industrial battery in the Offsite lift.

Alayna Veasey continues to manage various inventory projects at Offsite Storage to maximize shelf usage for Special Collections & Archives. She is also preparing to conduct an offsite audit specifically for Special Collections and Archives items. The initial data analysis for these items began last year and will continue throughout 2025.

Offsite Statistics – Special Collections & Archives Materials:

  • Number of SCA offsite requests fulfilled: 23
  • Number of SCA rare books and periodicals shifted offsite: 90
  • Number of SCA boxes shifted offsite: 70

February by the Numbers

February 2025 Stats 2,495 physical items checked out 4,161 study space hours booked 345 items sent to other libraries via ILL 398 document delivery requests fulfilled 86 LibAnswers tickets 24 LibAnswers chats

View full statistics here.