Shifting Projects

Materials shifting and moving continue at a steady pace! We are currently relocating materials from the 8th floor to the 7th floor, utilizing space created by condensing and normalizing shelving arrangements. As of January 30, we have moved up to HD 3616, with 6.5 rows remaining before this phase of the project is complete. Thank you to all the student workers and staff who have kept this project ahead of schedule!

Course Reserves

Course Reserves is extremely busy this semester, handling a whopping 1148 items on 127 reading lists. Each of these items goes through processing, which includes scanning the articles and book chapters, linking to full text, pulling physical items from the stacks and purchasing items ZSR does not currently own. Thank you to David Link, James Harper, Tara Hauser, and Kylie Bradley for ensuring our students and faculty have the materials they need!

The course reserves shelves in ZSR Library.

Offsite Updates

The inventory audit at Offsite storage continues! As part of an ongoing initiative to make the most of our available space, Ty Wilson has been shelf reading the offsite collection to ensure its integrity while accurately recording the available space remaining for future accessions. This process involves inspecting each individual volume to ensure it is in its proper place, making note of any missing items, and recording the remaining available space in each book tray for more collection materials. Since the project began, nearly 114,000 items have been audited.

Alma and WorkDay Integration

Rodrigo Castro is working with Jess Wilson-Saia on developing procedures for placing transcript holds on WorkDay. In the past, we would use Banner to place transcript holds, but with the implementation of WorkDay, new procedures need to be put in place.

Public Spaces

Rodrigo Castro is working with Veronica Escamilla-Brady on conducting a library-wide inventory of furniture, with a focus on public spaces. The purpose of this initiative is to develop the necessary tools to assess, standardize, and improve furniture configurations. They are also identifying areas that would benefit from small scale upgrades, including:

  • Rekeying carrels in Reynolds 4 and 5
  • Replacing chalkboard in Room 677
  • Adding a whiteboard in Room 676

Shelf Life: Onwards and Upwards!

Due to the amazing feedback from the introduction to “Shelf Life,” we’ve decided to make this feature its own blog post! Every month, Laura Milcarzyk, our Public Services Specialist, will be featuring ZSR’s student employees and the work they do in the library. Stay tuned!

Comment Board

As students settle back in after winter break, the comment board saw 5 new posts, including a request for better recycling options in ZSR and several doodles of turtles.
Cork board with various notes and drawings, including text about recycling and turtle illustrations.

Book Displays

The Public Services curated several book displays this month to fill the newly renovated cases! Thank you to Rodrigo Castro for overseeing these much needed updates to the exhibit spaces.

Two photos featuring the book displays "Self Care in the New Year" and "Deacon Diverse Reads."

Two photos featuring the books displays "NPR Staff Picks 2024" and "Nobel Prize Winners 2022-2024."

January by the Numbers

January 2025 Stats 2,309 physical items checked out 2,005 study space hours booked 326 items sent to other libraries via ILL 519 document delivery requests fulfilled 104 LibAnswers tickets 29 LibAnswers chats

View full statistics here.