
Here @ ZSR

Blogs, Wikis, and More: Tools and Services for Your Classes

The ZSR Library offers several tools and services for your classes. If you are interested in using a free blog, wiki, or podcast for your classes, the library can create it, host it, and teach your students to use it. Just follow the instructions found on the blog or wiki pages of the ZSR Library... Continue reading “Blogs, Wikis, and More: Tools and Services for Your Classes”

Course Reserves

Looking for a one-stop shop for your class readings? Concerned about copyright? Let ZSR do the work for you! The Course Reserves system can consolidate your reading list materials into one easily accessible location. Course Reserves can manage print, electronic, and audio-visual materials, and you can link to them from Blackboard. ZSR will even manage... Continue reading “Course Reserves”

ZSR Will Scan and Deliver

Do you need materials from the ZSR Library, but have no time to spare? Do you hate returning books on rainy days? Try ZSR Delivers! Books, journals, videos, and Interlibrary Loans can be delivered to your office at no charge Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. We also offer a complimentary pickup... Continue reading “ZSR Will Scan and Deliver”

Faculty Technology Instruction Classes

Learn to manage references with EndNote or Zotero or discover how to use a variety of Google tools for collaboration. Register online for these and other upcoming faculty classes. Continue reading “Faculty Technology Instruction Classes”

MLA and APA Style Manual Updates

Did you know that two major style manuals published updates this summer? The ZSR Library has posted brief online guides to both the MLA 7th ed. and APA 6th ed. In addition, Bedford/St. Martin’s has posted an outline of the major changes in MLA style. EndNote has also released an updated Output Style file for... Continue reading “MLA and APA Style Manual Updates”

Database News

New Databases Empire Online comprises a digital collection of original documents and images relating to Empire Studies. The collection includes manuscript and printed material spanning five centuries, from not only British but also French, Dutch, Spanish, North American, and other points of view. You may download, print or photocopy images in the collection for educational... Continue reading “Database News”

David Coates and William Kerr First to Join WakeSpace

Worrell Professor of Anglo-American Studies David Coates and Professor of Physics William Kerr are pioneers in WakeSpace, the institutional repository of Wake Forest University. Coates and Kerr are the first faculty members to place their research output in this new digital archive. Scanned books, book chapters and journal articles will be available via the ZSR... Continue reading “David Coates and William Kerr First to Join WakeSpace”

ZSR Librarians Win Awards

Clockwise from top left: Lauren Pressley, Lynn Sutton, Wanda Brown, Giz Womack Four librarians at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library have won national and local awards this semester. Lauren Pressley, Instructional Design Librarian, was designated a 2009 “Mover and Shaker” by the national trade magazine, Library Journal. Library Director Lynn Sutton won the 2008-09 Sirsi-Dynix... Continue reading “ZSR Librarians Win Awards”

ZSR Librarians Attain Library Faculty Status

After two years of study, librarians at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library will change their status from University staff to library faculty. Library Director Lynn Sutton consulted with the University Senate, Wake Forest College faculty, Dean’s Council, Cabinet, and Academic Committee of the Board of Trustees in the effort to give librarians a share of... Continue reading “ZSR Librarians Attain Library Faculty Status”

ZSR Offers Tools, Services and Workshops for Your Classes

The Z. Smith Reynolds Library offers several new technologies to enhance your class. If you would like a blog (including a podcast blog) or wiki, the library can support you, from instruction in its use to providing a web site for your course. For help getting started, please contact the Instructional Design Librarian. The ZSR... Continue reading “ZSR Offers Tools, Services and Workshops for Your Classes”