This article is more than 5 years old.
Here is the presentation from today’s workshop:
View Syllabus Handout on Scribd
If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact me or leave a message in the comments. If you’d like to share your syllabus, please put a link in the comments!
1 Comment on ‘Best Practices in Syllabus Construction’
As we discussed, there are several pieces of information that people have found useful to include on their syllabi. Here are some of those topics:
Learning Disabilities
From the Office of the Dean: “If you have a disability that may require an accommodation for taking this course, please contact the Learning Assistance Center (758-5929) within the first two weeks of the semester.”
and then later on….
Honor System
Wake Forest University upholds the ideals of honor and integrity. The Honor System is central to University life; its essence is a commitment by each person to do what is right and abide by community standards. Each student is pledged to be trustworthy in all matters, and a violation of that trust is an offense against the community as a whole. In the specific terms of the Honor Code, a student pledges in all phases of life not to cheat, plagiarize, engage in other forms of academic misconduct, deceive, or steal. The strength of the Honor System derives from the commitment of each and every student to uphold its ideals.
Some instructors include a section on how the Honor Code applies to their specific course.
An example of information on tutors:
Romance Languages Department Guidelines for Tutors (or other help).
In general terms, tutors should explain questions and problems and guide students’ work. They should not do the work for the students; nor should they translate (or encourage translation of) the material into English or from English.
Essays (“trabajos escritos”) should be written completely by the student. By that we mean that students cannot consult with anyone about that assignment. Those essays should reflect what students have learned in class. To write them with the help of the tutor will not allow determining what students have learned on their own and how they are able to apply it. Since we clearly specify that the work needs to be the student’s and no one else’s, the help of the tutor in those assignments will constitute an infraction of the honor code.
The English department has a strong website describing this issue found here:
The Writing Center
Several participants indicated that including information about the Writing Center has been helpful. You can find this information here: