During November 2018

Here @ ZSR

World Digital Preservation Day

There isn’t a Hallmark card for the occasion just yet, but today marks the annual World Digital Preservation Day.  Initiated by the Digital Preservation Coalition, the organizers want to inspire archivists, historians, and the general public to help ensure that future generations can find and use our most important digital content. It can be difficult to... Continue reading “World Digital Preservation Day”

Toward a Critically Engaged Digital Practice

In September 2018, the American Quarterly published a special issue, Toward a Critically Engaged Digital Practice: American Studies and the Digital Humanities. The issue features a wide range of DH projects, topics, and methods, including articles on digital mapping and DH pedagogy, a digital projects section featuring written summaries of active digital projects and links to the full... Continue reading “Toward a Critically Engaged Digital Practice”

Digital Scholarship along the Research Pathway

How do digital tools and methods enhance or change research methods? How can born-digital items be created to ensure future use? What are the best ways to document the process and progress of a collaborative digital project? ZSR’s Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communications team can assist in addressing such questions that typically come up in... Continue reading “Digital Scholarship along the Research Pathway”

Getting the Collections to the People

We’re always working hard here, behind the scenes in Special Collections and Archives, to make our materials accessible to researchers of all kinds. Collection information that is found in our finding aids, for example this overview and collection inventory for the Office of the Provost, Edwin G. Wilson Records, helps SCA faculty and staff as... Continue reading “Getting the Collections to the People”