Events & Exhibits

Here @ ZSR

Art installation promotes sustainability

Across from the circulation desk is a student art installation , the brain child of a grad student from Divinity who belongs to a student group called Mosaic, and an undergrad who is an art student and an intern with Sustainability. In the spirit of collaboration, Shannon Axtell and De’Noia Woods got together and brought... Continue reading “Art installation promotes sustainability”

Preservation Week

This is Preservation Week. April 24-30 is designated by the American Library Association as Preservation Week. The idea of having Preservation Week is to call attention to the value and care for our cultural resources. Many institutions have crumbling collections with no plan or resources to care for them. The week gives everyone an opportunity... Continue reading “Preservation Week”

2nd Annual Senior Showcase

The Z. Smith Reynolds Library is pleased to announce selections for the second annual Senior Showcase program recognizing exemplary senior research theses and projects completed by Wake Forest undergraduates in their final year. Five students have been selected to present their research on Tuesday, April 26, 2011, at 3pm in the Allen Mandelbaum Reading Room,... Continue reading “2nd Annual Senior Showcase”

Peer to Peer Student Technology Training Workshops at ZSR (and DDA)

This semester we have been implementing a new approach to student technology training workshops at ZSR. I’ve been teaching two student assistants, one who has worked for me for four years and one who has worked for me for the last year, how to lead technology workshops for students. We team taught the workshops at... Continue reading “Peer to Peer Student Technology Training Workshops at ZSR (and DDA)”

Video Online of ACRL Award Presentation

If you were unable to attend the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries award presentation Tuesday, March 22nd, want to see it again from a better vantage point, or want to share with friends, never fear! Video of the event is now streaming online. ZSR Accepts ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries award in the university category... Continue reading “Video Online of ACRL Award Presentation”

Authors, Editors, and Fine & Performing Artists, January-December 2010

On Tuesday, March 22, 2011, the Office of the Provost, the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Library honored the following faculty authors, editors, and fine & performing artists from January-December 2010 with a reception and dinner in the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. Faculty Honorees Robert Bliss, Schools of Business... Continue reading “Authors, Editors, and Fine & Performing Artists, January-December 2010”

Come help ZSR celebrate its ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries award!

Join us Tuesday, March 22 at 4:00 pm in the library atrium when ZSR officially receives the Excellence in Academic Libraries award from the Association of College and Research Libraries. The ACRL President will present the award to President Nathan Hatch, who will accept it on behalf of the University. A gala reception will follow... Continue reading “Come help ZSR celebrate its ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries award!”

Spring 2011 Library Lecture Series

Mustafa Abdullah, 2010 WFU graduate and recipient of the 2010 MLK Building the Dream Award, spoke in January on his work as a community organizer promoting Dr. King’s dream of social justice. Values, Education and Governance in Nigeria: How Would the Country Get the Right Balance? Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 3 p.m. Room 204, ZSR... Continue reading “Spring 2011 Library Lecture Series”

Upcoming Technology Workshops

The library will host workshops this spring on: Audience response systems (“Clickers“) Prezi, an online presentation application Zotero, a basic, open-source citation manager Using Google Docs and Google Sites for Collaboration View these and other events! Additionally, find supporting documentation for Zotero, EndNote, Clickers and SMARTTM Boards, as well as many other applications, on the... Continue reading “Upcoming Technology Workshops”

African American Writers and the Classical Tradition

A newly published book, African American Writers and the Classical Tradition by William W. Cook and James Tatum is the focus of this exhibit. The book makes a connection between African American writers and the classical writers of Greece and Rome. These authors include Phyllis Wheatley, Rita Dove, Ralph Ellison, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. DuBois and... Continue reading “African American Writers and the Classical Tradition”