Looking to expand your holiday film repertoire? The ZSR Film Collection has many classic holiday films, as well as several lesser-known holiday films. Stop by the Media Room (room 403, 4th floor Reynolds Wing) to view the holiday film display and pick up a few DVDs to get you in the holiday spirit! Here are several recommendations that... Continue reading “Ho-Ho-Holiday Films @ ZSR” ›
I’m a big fan of the North Carolina Room of the Forsyth County Public Library for local and state history, genealogy, culture, biography, travel, literature and folklore, as well as federal, state and local government information. In addition to that local resource, for patrons interested in geneology, NCLive also offers North Carolina libraries access to HeritageQuest Online, a... Continue reading “Using HeritageQuest Online for Genealogy Information” ›
It’s that time again! The 88th Academy Awards (or Oscars) will be presented at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 28 on ABC. However, ZSR has several movies that were nominated this year in our collection right now! Presented for your consideration below are the films that are currently available as well as the categories for which they... Continue reading “ZSR and the 2016 Oscars!” ›
Are you studying for final exams on Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Environmental Science, etc.? Are you looking for more authoritative background information than Wikipedia to help you study? AccessScience is a high quality science information resource edited by over 9,000 scientists including Nobel Prize Laureates. AccessScience database contains “more than 8,500 articles and Research Reviews... Continue reading “AccessScience & AccessMedicine” ›
With the number of streaming media resources available at ZSR growing dramatically in recent years, some of our users may not be familiar with all the amazing new streaming options! For example, we now subscribe to Kanopy Video, a distributor of educational videos for online viewing, and content available across multiple subject areas, including 369 videos... Continue reading “Streaming Video @ ZSR” ›
Do you have a looming research paper that requires the use of primary sources? Are you interested in an approach that would reflect women’s personal thoughts on larger events and issues, or simply their daily lives, families, and circles of friends? In the past, it could be difficult to track down women’s personal writings, such... Continue reading “North American Women’s Letters and Diaries” ›
The countdown has begun. Your destination is set, your passport is up-to-date, your bags are packed (well, almost) – you are ready for your study abroad experience! Let ZSR help prepare you for your semester abroad before you even leave campus with Pronunciator and Global Road Warrior! One of the best pieces of advice for... Continue reading “Prepare for Your Semester Abroad with Pronunciator and Global Road Warrior!” ›
Browzine Web brings web browser access to the popular Browzine App available on iOS and Android devices. For the past two years, Browzine has allowed smartphone and tablet users to browse recent issues of scholarly journal, much like browsing a print journal. Now, Browzine Web is available on your computer! Access BrowZine Web from your... Continue reading “Resource Review: Browzine Web” ›
Resource Review highlights ZSR Library resources and offers insider tips and best practices for their use. This month’s featured resource is Smithsonian Global Sound, presented by Leslie McCall, our Cataloging Librarian and music specialist. Smithsonian Global Sound is an online database of audio resources from the collections of the Smithsonian and other archives around the world. The core collection... Continue reading “Resource Review: Smithsonian Global Sound” ›
The 87th Academy Awards ceremony will be telecast on Sunday, February 22, and several of the nominated films are in ZSR’s Media Collection! Here’s a list of those films that are currently available as well as the categories in which they received a nomination. Boyhood – DVD 13162 Best Picture- Richard Linklater, Cathleen Sutherland Best... Continue reading “ZSR and the 2015 Oscars!” ›