Featured Resources

Here @ ZSR

2010 Emmy® Nominees and Winners on DVD at ZSR

While you are waiting for the new fall season of television shows to start, the Media Collection at ZSR has plenty of DVDs to fill your time! Catch up on previous seasons of some of your favorite shows, starting with the nominees and winners from Sunday’s Emmy telecast. Get them before they are checked out!... Continue reading “2010 Emmy® Nominees and Winners on DVD at ZSR”

Films of James Whale

For the month of July, we have a guest post by Steve Jarrett of Wake Forest University’s Communication Department. His course, Nightmare Cinema, will be offered in the fall semester. Although Hollywood can be bountifully munificent toward those who bask in its glory, it can be, and has been, equally brutal to those whose careers... Continue reading “Films of James Whale”

New Scientific Tools: Pubget and the Neuroscience Information Framework

Two new tools for accessing scientific information are now available to patrons. Last spring, Carol, Derrik and I attended a demo of Pubget, which is a free third-party search engine for accessing PDFs of journal articles in the life sciences including PubMed/MEDLINE. WFU has been activated on Pubget, and the unique feature of Pubget is... Continue reading “New Scientific Tools: Pubget and the Neuroscience Information Framework”

T.A.M.I. Show

This month’s film is T.A.M.I. Show: Teenage Awards Music International, Collector’s Edition. The T.A.M.I. Show was recorded at concerts held at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium on October 28 and 29. The resulting film is arguably the first concert movie of the rock era. It has not been available for public viewing due to copyright... Continue reading “T.A.M.I. Show”

New Database: LexisNexis Statistical DataSets

LexisNexis Statistical DataSets is a module within the LexisNexis Statistical database that provides the searcher with powerful tools to access and export long data sets. Included sources range from agencies of the Federal government to foreign stock exchanges. Data is presented in both tabular and graphical form, and its presentation can easily be modified and... Continue reading “New Database: LexisNexis Statistical DataSets”

Check Out Our New/Old Electronic Databases

This season’s buzzword is “backfiles.” ZSR has bought two journal backfile products and one major historical index. Economist Historical Archive 1843-2003The Economist Historical Archive offers full-color page images of the The Economist back to its first issue. The full text, including advertising text, is also searchable. A new year of coverage will be added each... Continue reading “Check Out Our New/Old Electronic Databases”

WFU’s Museum of Anthropology Artifact Database

Wake Forest University’s Museum of Anthropology launched its Online Artifact Database (www.wfu.edu/moa/database) at a reception on September 9, 2008. Erik Mitchell and I attended this event. Museum Director, Stephen Whittington informed guests that the digitization of its collections and the production of an online database was a project four years in the making. The Museum... Continue reading “WFU’s Museum of Anthropology Artifact Database”

Keep up with The Chronicle Online

Do you enjoy The Chronicle of Higher Education? Would you like to read it online? The ZSR Library has a site-wide subscription to The Chronicle, and there are two free options for pushing content to you. Email alerts Academe Today is The Chronicle‘s daily email newsletter. You can also subscribe to specialized alerts on topics... Continue reading “Keep up with The Chronicle Online”

New Electronic Resources

Walter Matthau in “Awake and Sing!” courtesy of Theatre in Video Featured Changes C19: The Nineteenth Century Index searches the following sources simultaneously: Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature, Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, American Periodicals Series, Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers, ArchivesUSA, and Palmer’s Index to the Times. Digital National... Continue reading “New Electronic Resources”

New Electronic Resources

We have purchased several new databases recently. They cover physics, statistics, market research, religion full text, and more. Featured Changes Anthropology Plus is a web database that combines and replaces two prior subscriptions — Anthropological Literature on Disc and Anthropological Index Online. It covers all aspects of anthropology, and also covers archaeology and linguistics. Our... Continue reading “New Electronic Resources”