Meghan Webb

Meghan Webb
Meghan Webb (she / her)
Instruction & Outreach Librarian

Meghan’s subject areas include: Politics; Sociology; Writing Studies; Area Studies; Environment & Sustainability Studies; Environmental Science; Ethnic Studies

Book a Research Session



  • Denlinger, Kyle, Shields, Kathy, & Webb, Meghan. (2019). "Not missing the point(s): Applying specifications grading to credit-bearing information literacy classes.". The grounded instruction librarian: Participating in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Association of College and Research Libraries: Chicago, IL. #
  • Womack, Hubert, Webb, Meghan, & McCallum, Carolyn. (2018). Writers Camp @ ZSR: Camping, Writing, and Publishing in the Library!. North Carolina Libraries, 76(1), 11-17. #
  • Lock, Mary Beth, Fansler, Craig, & Webb, Meghan. (2016). (R)Evolutionary Emergency Planning: Adding Resilience through Continuous Review. International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management, 5(2). #

Book Reviews

  • Webb, Meghan. (2022). Advancing a Culture of Creativity in Libraries: Programming and Engagement by Megan Lotts, Chicago, IL, ALA Editions, 2021, 116 pp., $54.99 (paperback), ISBN: 978-0-8389-4947-4. Technical Services Quarterly, 39(4), 480-481.
  • Webb, Meghan. (2019). Comic Book Collections and Programming: a Practical Guide for Librarians. Technical Services Quarterly, 37(1), 98-99. #


  • Webb, Meghan, & Womack, Hubert. (2024, February). Timing is Everything: Planning and Managing Library Outreach for New Students During Their First Six Weeks. Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience 2024, Seattle Washington. #
  • Webb, Meghan, & Womack, Hubert. (2023, November). Timing is Everything: Planning and Managing Library Outreach for New Students During Their First Six Weeks. 2023 LOEX Fall Focus, online. #
  • Kaufman, Amanda, Womack, Hubert, Webb, Meghan, & Tedford, Rosalind. (2023, October). Planting Seeds for Future Growth: Cultivating Campus Information Literacy through Faculty Workshops. NCLA 2023, Winston-Salem, NC. #
  • McMahan, Kaeley, & Webb, Meghan. (2023, October). Cultivating Creative Pursuits: Supporting Emerging Artists through Creative Research Strategies. 2023 North Carolina Library Association Biennial Conference, Winston Salem, NC. #
  • McMahan, Kaeley, & Webb, Meghan. (2023, June). Library as Studio: Fostering Artistic Exploration and Creation in a Library Class. 2023 The Innovative Library Classroom (TILC), Williamsburg, VA. #

Committees & Offices Held

  • NCLA Women in Libraries Roundtable, Secretary/Treasurer. (January 1, 2024 - Present).
  • NCLA Women in Libraries Roundtable, Director. (February 2023 - December 2023).