Public Services
The primary mission of the Public Services Team is to provide access to the Z. Smith Reynolds library building and its collections, including off-site shelving, and to provide access to the library’s resources. One of the major functions of the team is to circulate library materials to University and other eligible patrons. This includes checking out and checking in books and other library materials; maintaining the patron database and issuing borrowing cards; shelving materials; delivering materials to faculty members upon request; and assisting patrons with finding materials in the building. Public Services staff members also work with faculty members to place materials on reserve to supplement class materials. Document Delivery is responsible for borrowing and lending library resources. In addition, the Team is responsible for collection and building security.
- Document Delivery Specialist
- Director of Public Services
- Collection Maintenance Specialist
- Public Services Librarian – Content Access & Delivery
- Interlibrary Loan Specialist
- Research Services Specialist
- Research Services Specialist
- Course Reserves Specialist
- Public Services Specialist for Circulation Services
- Public Services Librarian for User Services
- Circulation Services Specialist
- Offsite Collections Coordinator