Events & Outreach
The Z. Smith Reynolds Library features a variety of events, workshops, and more. The library often partners with other units on campus to offer these programs. For more information, contact the library.
Upcoming Events
- –ZSR Library, Special Collections & Archives Research Room (Room 625)
Tobacco has played a significant role in shaping North Carolina’s cultural, economic, and social identity, even before the state’s official establishment. Early depictions of Native American communities along the coast at the end of the 16th century show cultivation and use of the plant.
During the 19th century, tobacco became a cornerstone of the plantation economy, generating immense wealth for select families. In the 20th century, the rise of mass production and commercialization, along with an expanding labor force dedicated to its cultivation and processing, further embedded tobacco in North Carolina’s way of life. Marketing campaigns and iconic imagery tied to tobacco are deeply woven into the state’s historical narrative.
This exhibit showcases images, artifacts, and records from Special Collections & Archives, spanning from the sixteenth century to the modern era. It also features contributions from North Carolina artists and photographers, including Daisha Bunn and Erin Kye and their families, as well as works by photographer Dan Routh.
- –ZSR Library, Smith’s CafeCome chat with Wake Forest’s Hindu Chaplain (Dr. Akshay Gupta) at Smith’s Cafe in the library. You’ll find him with the “Chat With the Chaplain Sign” and can also email him at to let him know you’re coming.
- –ZSR Library, Room 476CLASS and the Grad School of Arts & Sciences are partnering together with the Writing Center and ZSR to host a weekly formal writing group for grad students throughout the Spring semester. This common space and hour offers community with your peers; live feedback from peers and Writing Center and CLASS staff on your academic, professional, or personal writing work; and tips and tricks each week on time management, writer’s block, and more. Free snacks will be provided!
- –ZSR Library, Special Collections & Archives Research Room (Room 625)
Join ZSR librarians and readers across campus for our silent book club meeting!.
A Silent Book Club (SBC) is a social gathering where people read in silence for a set amount of time, with optional opportunities to socialize before and after. There are no assigned reading selections or discussions and participants are encouraged to bring their own book(s) and read whatever they want! We will also have books available if you do not bring one of your own.
Our silent book club will also feature tea and other refreshments, comfy seating, a pop-up exhibit from ZSR Library’s Special Collections and Archives, and a Little Free Library for folks who are looking for a new book.
- –ZSR Library, Room 476CLASS office presents April OWLS (Outreach Workshop Learning Series) event titled: Preparing for Success: Build Your Finals Study Plan. This interactive workshop will be on Thursday, April 24 from 6-7pm in ZSR 476. Students will leave with their personalized study plan for finals.
- –ZSR LibraryWake the Library – snacks, giveaways for students during final exams.
- –ZSR Library, Room 204Join us to learn the basics of AI and generative AI, and how it may be used here at Wake Forest and beyond. In this workshop, we will explore how generative AI works, its potential applications, what to know before using it, and then we’ll explore a few tools. We hope you’ll join us!