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The ZSR Library Blog

DISC 2020 Year in Review

In a year like no other, ZSR’s Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication (DISC) team dispersed to our respective home “offices,” where we got to see one another’s walls, art, and books, and say hello to partners, kids, and pets during our meetings. Sure, things were different and Zoom fatigue is real, but by and large,... Continue reading “DISC 2020 Year in Review”

2020: The Year in Reading

As we bid farewell to 2020, let’s take a moment to review our year in reading. The following titles from our browsing collection represent books that were frequently checked out by members of our reading community in the past year. Additionally, a few ZSR staffers wanted to share their favorite reads in 2020. And, we’d... Continue reading “2020: The Year in Reading”

Songs of Wake Forest with Dr. Edwin Graves Wilson

Songs of Wake Forest with Dr. Edwin Graves Wilson Friday, December 11 at 3:30 pm – YouTube premier ZSR Library Special Collections and Archives is celebrating Songs of Wake Forest, the latest book by Dr. Edwin G. Wilson. Ed Wilson’s relationship with Wake Forest, which began when he entered the College as a freshman in... Continue reading “Songs of Wake Forest with Dr. Edwin Graves Wilson”

The Value of Experience: Six Remarkable ZSR Retirees

Between July 2020 and January 2021, six amazing ZSR employees will have retired and we will lose 170 years of valuable knowledge and experience. These individuals helped shape ZSR as well as countless students, faculty and staff. Because of the pandemic, we cannot celebrate them in person as we would like to do. That will... Continue reading “The Value of Experience: Six Remarkable ZSR Retirees”

Wake Forest College and The Spanish Flu

This blog post was written by SCA student employee Katie Lawrence. This year looks very different than we’re used to in the Forest. Most classes are online, masks are required, and the campus feels different than it has in the past. COVID-19 has turned this semester upside down, but Wake students have persisted in the... Continue reading “Wake Forest College and The Spanish Flu”

Digits: For Good

On November 5, 2020, World Digital Preservation Day events are taking place under this year’s theme:  Digits: For Good. The Digital Preservation Coalition, which organizes and sponsors events in honor of the global effort to preserve digital content, announced this theme in recognition of the urgent need to protect digital records that relate to the... Continue reading “Digits: For Good”

5 Questions with Scott Adair!

A few days before Scott Adair’s retirement on October 30th, the Communications Committee thought we would ask him 5 Questions about his 35 years at working at the library! 1. What is your most memorable ZSR moment? A lot of things come to mind, like Wanda bursting into my office on 9/11 and telling me... Continue reading “5 Questions with Scott Adair!”

Reminder: Register for Dr. Sam Gladding’s Presention, November 10, 2020

Join us for our third Special Collections & Archives fall program: Off the Courthouse Square: A Memoir of My Life Up to Age 21 with Dr. Sam Gladding Tuesday, November 10 at 5:30 p.m. ET (Registration required) Join ZSR Special Collections and Archives, in partnership with Bookmarks, Winston-Salem’s independent bookstore and non-profit literary society, where... Continue reading “Reminder: Register for Dr. Sam Gladding’s Presention, November 10, 2020”

Women’s Suffrage Anniversary and Subject Guide

Written by SCA student employee Katie Lawrence. August 26th, 2020 marked the centennial anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, awarding women the right to vote after a decades-long battle. This amendment represents a breakthrough for the women of America, who had been attempting to assert their right to equality... Continue reading “Women’s Suffrage Anniversary and Subject Guide”

OA in Action: Highlighting WFU’s Open Access Publishing Fund

In celebration of Open Access Week 2020, ZSR Library is highlighting the success of the Open Access Publishing Fund, administered by ZSR and the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs. Launched in 2008, nearly 60 faculty have received funding in excess of $163,700 to support open scholarship. Despite COVID, the OA Fund is available to... Continue reading “OA in Action: Highlighting WFU’s Open Access Publishing Fund”