This article is more than 5 years old.

On Thursday, September 21st, the ZSR Library hosted our first Human Library event! The event was small but successful, with five books and seven readers. Since the Human Library focuses on dialogue across difference, it was both a great way to acknowledge International Day of Peace, and serve as practice for our next Human Library event in the Spring of 2018. Our books included a wide range of topics around diversity, inclusion among others.

Human Library at ZSR

Two volunteers from ZSR, Chris Burris and Kathy Martlock, and three volunteers from across campus, Dr. Nate French, Kayla Lisenby, and Colleen Lofton agreed to serve as “books” for the event, and three students and four staff/faculty attended the event as our “readers.” Additionally, three of our awesome ZSR Ambassadors, David, Lindsay, and Layla, pitched in, helping us market on social media and setup and break down the event. Meghan Webb worked the registration, and Jon Moore helped with setup and signage. Anytime we launch and event for the first time, it takes more people and more time than anticipated, but small pilots like this event help create robust events going forward.

Speaking of the future, ZSR and the C.G. O’Kelly Library are teaming up to lead a Human Library event at Wake Downtown this Spring! We have received a “Rethinking Community” grant from the University that will allow us to shuttle students from both campuses to Wake Downtown for the event, where we will have numerous Human Library “books” for checkout and great food! Please mark your calendars for Friday, March 23rd, 2018!