The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized last month. Thanks to all for being great ZSR colleagues!
Tim Mitchell | T stands for “Terrific”, I stands for “Incredible”, M stands for “masterful”. Thank you Tim Mitchell for trouble-shooting and solving my printing problems so well! | Craig Fansler |
Morgan Ritchie-Baum | Morgan, thank you so much for pulling together migration data for the Charlotte Academic Program Planning Group! | Hu Womack |
David Link | Thanks for fulfilling a last minute course reserves request for my FYS class! Much appreciated, David! | Meghan Webb |
Hu Womack | Many, many thanks to Hu for agreeing to teach two ENT one-shots I had scheduled when I was unable to at the last minute. Literal life saver! | Morgan Ritchie-Baum |
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