The ZSR Recognitions: Thank a Colleague! program provides an opportunity for employees to submit a note of thanks to their colleagues. These can be for going above and beyond, helping a job get done, general appreciation, or any reason thanks can be given. Here are those who were recognized last month. Thanks to all for being great ZSR colleagues!

Tim MitchellT stands for “Terrific”, I stands for “Incredible”, M stands for “masterful”. Thank you Tim Mitchell for trouble-shooting and solving my printing problems so well!Craig Fansler
Morgan Ritchie-BaumMorgan, thank you so much for pulling together migration data for the Charlotte Academic Program Planning Group!Hu Womack
David LinkThanks for fulfilling a last minute course reserves request for my FYS class! Much appreciated, David!Meghan Webb
Hu WomackMany, many thanks to Hu for agreeing to teach two ENT one-shots I had scheduled when I was unable to at the last minute. Literal life saver!Morgan Ritchie-Baum