Complete Book on the Judgment of the Stars (Preclarissimus liber completus in iudicijs astrorum)
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One of the oldest printed books in ZSR’s Rare Books Collection, the 1485 edition of the Complete Book on the Judgment of the Stars is a Latin translation of Alī Ibn Abī al-Rijāl’s principal scientific work, Kitāb al-bāriʻ fī aḥkām al-nujūm. The text, commonly known as Liber in iudiciis astrorum, is a treatise on astrological methods by an 11th century Arab mathematician, printed by Erhard Ratdolt, a German printer working in Venice. The text was translated from Arabic into Spanish by Judah ben Moses ha-Kohen, and from Spanish into Latin by Aegidius de Thebaldis and Petrus de Regio.
Proposed Treatment
Release rear flyleaf and repair hinges. Repair and possibly lift tissue insert. Mend text leaves as needed. Remove previous binding repairs and replace spine. Repair damage to boards.