This article is more than 5 years old.

As we come to the end of the 2018 fall semester, the University Archives (Special Collections & Archives, 625 Z. Smith Reynolds Library) would like to remind all staff and faculty that we welcome the transfer of records and papers from university offices. We also encourage students to donate materials which document their time and experiences at Wake Forest. The mission of the University Archives is to preserve historically valuable records and you play an important role in making sure these records are preserved for the future! As to what happens after the records arrive, please see this description of our work provided by our Collection Archivist, Stephanie Bennett.

What do we want? An easy and simple list follows, but if you have questions, please let us know at

  • Official correspondence, annual and summary reports, final grant reports, policy statements and procedures
  • Speeches, presentations, performances and events
  • Meeting agendas and minutes
  • University publications such as newspapers, yearbooks, research magazines, newsletters, brochures, programs, and posters
  • AV materials such as films, recordings, tapes, and photographs
  • Course syllabi, curricula, and instruction notes
  • Student organization records, including minutes, publications, and photographs

Records are accepted in most formats, including paper records, publications, born-digital content or electronic records, images, and three-dimensional artifacts. Please also consult the University Permanent Records Retention Schedule for specific details on what we need to keep permanently. We are glad to supply boxes, flash drives, or other assistance, as needed and if you have any questions, please contact Tanya Zanish-Belcher, University Archivist, x5755,