As we live through historic times, this is a good reminder about the value of the archives in chronicling recorded history. Archives are often thought of as old and dusty, when they are actually the representation of a current moment long past. We all “participate” in history, but we usually don’t think about our experience as being particularly important. But your experiences, and the experiences of all Wake Forest alumni, students, staff, and faculty are integral to making sense of what is occurring right now, at this point in time.

Special Collections & Archives has created Deacon Experiences: COVID-19 to organize the donation of individual items and materials—whether artifacts, essays, photographs, and recordings in digital or analog formats, which donors would like to contribute and share for future research. SCA is already collecting WF official documentation, but we want to make sure and capture personal accounts and narratives as well as described in the Old Gold & Black (April 21, 2020). These materials will eventually be available online in our new online COVID-19 Collection, part of the University Archives.

Please join us in sharing your stories so we can remember.