2025 Maya Angelou Garden Party
Sunday, April 6th, 2-4pm
Bailey Park, 445 Patterson Ave, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

The Maya Angelou Garden Party is an annual event hosted in Bailey Park to honor Dr. Maya Angelou by celebrating community, storytelling, and art. Each year this event is free and open to both the public and broader community, with poetry reading and spoken word performances on display to honor Dr. Angelou’s literary legacy. Food, music, and lawn games are also part of the celebration.

Special Collections & Archives will host a popup exhibit featuring Dr. Maya Angelou with free handouts of buttons, magnets, and coloring books.

Interested in performing or reading poetry? Click here to register!

Are you a WFU student interested in volunteering at this year’s event? Click here to sign up!

Maya Angelou Garden Party