
Here @ ZSR

5th Annual Senior Showcase

The Z. Smith Reynolds Library is pleased to announce selections for the 5th annual Senior Showcase program recognizing exemplary senior research theses and projects completed by Wake Forest undergraduates in their final year. Four students have been selected to present their research on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, at 3pm in the ZSR Library Auditorium, Room... Continue reading “5th Annual Senior Showcase”

Extreme Outreach: #bigdisrupt and Connections & Conversations

This has been the Year of Outreach at ZSR. We have tried a number of different modes of outreach, from ZSRx to Dean’s List Gala to the alternative break Staycation. The latest two outreach activities were very ambitious in scope: a campus-wide symposium on the future of higher education, dubbed The Big Disruption: The Coming... Continue reading “Extreme Outreach: #bigdisrupt and Connections & Conversations”

ZSR Hosts Staycation

During spring break, The Office of Service and Social Action in Campus Life offers a program known as Wake Alternative Break (WAB). This program provides a number of service trips, both domestic and international. (See this WFU news story to learn about the most recent WAB trips.) Over the past few months, a group of... Continue reading “ZSR Hosts Staycation”

ZSRx Digital Publishing: The Reckoning

Back in the Fall of 2013 (when we were all young and innocent), a young librarian named Billy was approached by a nice library dean and asked if he wanted to conduct a MOOC of his own. He agreed, under one condition: pro humanitate. As such, our (normally shy) hero enjoyed complete autonomy and/or academic... Continue reading “ZSRx Digital Publishing: The Reckoning”

An Enchanted Evening: The Dean’s List Gala

My experience as the Wake Forest Fellow at ZSR Library this year has been phenomenal. I have loved every opportunity to work on library events, student outreach, and fundraising initiatives. While it would be difficult for me to pick a favorite, the most memorable moment of the year occurred on Friday evening, February 28th in... Continue reading “An Enchanted Evening: The Dean’s List Gala”

Humans v Zombies – Spring Semester 2014

On Friday, February 7th 2014, from 7-9pm, the ZSR Library held its 9th “Humans v Zombies” event. We’ve hosted these once a semester since the Fall of 2011 and last summer we hosted two HvZ events for summer students and international students. Of the approximately 120 students who attended, a little over 30 of them... Continue reading “Humans v Zombies – Spring Semester 2014”

ZSRx Offers Online Course on Digital Publishing

In February, the Z. Smith Reynolds Library will offer a free, open, online course called ZSRx: Digital Publishing. This informal, three-week course will explore the “past, present and future perfect tenses” of e-books, self-publishing and the digital publishing landscape. Anyone interested in the intersection of books, technology and commerce will surely find this a fascinating... Continue reading “ZSRx Offers Online Course on Digital Publishing”

Read with ZSR on Goodreads!

ZSR is a building full of avid readers and you can often catch ZSR library faculty and staff chatting about books before meetings, at parties, during lunch, in our sleep 🙂 In an effort to extend those conversations to the wider world, ZSR has launched our own account on Goodreads, the social reading site, where... Continue reading “Read with ZSR on Goodreads!”

New ZSR Programs for WFU Alumni

The Z. Smith Reynolds Library understands that the need for good information does not stop when you leave college. In fact, sometimes it increases. That is why ZSR has provided library borrower cards to alumni free of charge for years. But we are always looking for ways we can assist our alumni who do not... Continue reading “New ZSR Programs for WFU Alumni”

Pizza and a Movie @ ZSR!

On Saturday, November 30th, the ZSR Library hosted “Pizza and a Movie” for any students remaining on campus during the Thanksgiving break! This idea developed from Dean Sutton, based on feedback from students who were on campus over Thanksgiving last year and needed more services. ZSR opened on Friday and Saturday to help meet the... Continue reading “Pizza and a Movie @ ZSR!”