Digital Scholarship

Digital Scholarship News from ZSR Library

Decision in the Georgia State U. copyright lawsuit

On Friday, May 11, 2012, nearly one year after hearing concluding arguments in the trial of the 2008 lawsuit brought against Georgia State University by three scholarly presses, Oxford U. Press, Cambridge U. Press and SAGE (funded by the Copyright Clearance Center and the Association of American Publishers), Judge Orinda Evans issued her opinion. As... Continue reading “Decision in the Georgia State U. copyright lawsuit”

New code to help libraries exercise Fair Use

In late January, ARL released the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Academic and Research Libraries. The code “enhances the ability of librarians to rely on fair use by documenting the considered views of the library community about best practices in fair use, drawn from the actual practices and experience of the library... Continue reading “New code to help libraries exercise Fair Use”

Accessing Scholarship

Authors want readers. Why else would they publish? For authors of research publications, the above statement is true but the question is too simple. Researchers publish for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is to establish and share their scholarship, with the aim that it will be read and cited by others.... Continue reading “Accessing Scholarship”

Blogging as Scholarship

Blogs enable rapid dissemination and advancement of ideas. Why aren't they deemed contributions to scholarship? Continue reading “Blogging as Scholarship”

Copyright and Academics

Between the Georgia State Univ. lawsuit and the Google Books settlement, copyright is increasing gaining publicity and discussion. How will changing landscape of copyright impact the future of intellectual property and education? Continue reading “Copyright and Academics”

Sharing Your Research

Discoverability of research is vital to scholarship and the expansion of knowledge. Are your publications optimized for maximum reach and impact? Continue reading “Sharing Your Research”