Featured Resources

Here @ ZSR

Resource Review: Browzine Web

Browzine Web brings web browser access to the popular Browzine App available on iOS and Android devices. For the past two years, Browzine has allowed smartphone and tablet users to browse recent issues of scholarly journal, much like browsing a print journal. Now, Browzine Web is available on your computer! Access BrowZine Web from your... Continue reading “Resource Review: Browzine Web”

Resource Review: Smithsonian Global Sound

Resource Review highlights ZSR Library resources and offers insider tips and best practices for their use. This month’s featured resource is Smithsonian Global Sound, presented by Leslie McCall, our Cataloging Librarian and music specialist. Smithsonian Global Sound is an online database of audio resources from the collections of the Smithsonian and other archives around the world.  The core collection... Continue reading “Resource Review: Smithsonian Global Sound”

ZSR and the 2015 Oscars!

The 87th Academy Awards ceremony will be telecast on Sunday, February 22, and several of the nominated films are in ZSR’s Media Collection! Here’s a list of those films that are currently available as well as the categories in which they received a nomination. Boyhood – DVD 13162 Best Picture- Richard Linklater, Cathleen Sutherland Best... Continue reading “ZSR and the 2015 Oscars!”

Books that go bump in the night: Recommended horrors, thrillers & ghost stories

Halloween is close upon us, and this season of ghosts and ghouls offers the perfect opportunity to curl up with a scary story. The following horrors, thrillers & ghost stories are recommended from ZSR Librarians and staff members, and are guaranteed to send chills up your spine: The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson... Continue reading “Books that go bump in the night: Recommended horrors, thrillers & ghost stories”

Summer Reading 2014

As you look for reading materials for your summer adventures, here are 10 fiction and 10 non-fiction books that have been showing up on summer reading lists! Fiction The Snow Queen: A heartbroken man turns to religion after seeing a vision in the sky above Central Park while his musician brother takes drugs he thinks... Continue reading “Summer Reading 2014”

Summer viewing recommendations from ZSR!

ZSR has received a wide variety of films recently that can be seen on our New Films page. I would like to suggest a number of these fascinating titles for your possible viewing pleasure; ones with which you might not be familiar. Documentary Features A Great Day in Harlem (1994). DVD 12376. The story of... Continue reading “Summer viewing recommendations from ZSR!”

Ten Lists of the Best Books of 2013

As 2013 draws to a close, it’s customary to see “Best of _____” lists for every category to appear. We wanted to share ten lists of the “Best Books of 2013” with you, and maybe you’ll find a few that will spark interest with your own favorite authors, genres and styles. The New York Times... Continue reading “Ten Lists of the Best Books of 2013”

“Check Out” These Holiday DVD Recommendations

In preparation for the holiday season, don’t forget to check out some of the wonderful selection of holiday DVDs that ZSR has to offer! Mary has pulled many of the holiday titles and displayed them on the small bookshelf by the door of the DVD room. We thought we’d highlight some popular and not so... Continue reading ““Check Out” These Holiday DVD Recommendations”

ARTstor Digital Library

The ARTstor Digital Library is one of the newest databases available at ZSR. This collection includes over 1.5 million images from museums, artists and archives, which can be used for research in a variety of disciplines. While the use of images seems clear for the study of the arts, images can also make an impact... Continue reading “ARTstor Digital Library”

Introducing “BrowZine”: A Journal Browsing App for Tablets

Do you occasionally find yourself missing the ability to browse a recent issue of a journal? Do you ever feel you might be missing journals related to your discipline? ZSR proudly announces a subscription to BrowZine, a new app for iPads and Android tablets. BrowZine provides access to numerous academic journals across the disciplines. Users... Continue reading “Introducing “BrowZine”: A Journal Browsing App for Tablets”