Special Collections & Archives

News and more from ZSR’s Special Collections & Archives

Expanded Wake Voices: Inclusive Student Life Update

Over the past two semesters, senior Parker Beverly, has been focusing her efforts on the collecting of oral history interviews through the Expanding Wake Voices: Inclusive Student Life project. Thanks to donor support, this important work continues to expand the History of Wake Forest oral history project, with a new focus on the student experience... Continue reading “Expanded Wake Voices: Inclusive Student Life Update”

What Happened? Houck Medford’s Photographic Witness for Floyd County, Virginia (Curated by Tsing Liu ’23)

What Happened? Houck Medford’s Photographic Witness for Floyd County, Virginia Curated by Tsing Liu ’23 January 5 – February 24, 2023 Yadkin Cultural Arts Center 226 E Main St, Welborn Gallery, Yadkinville, NC 27055) Opening Reception: Friday, January 13, 5-7PM Situated on a high plateau adjacent to the Blue Ridge escarpment of Southwest Virginia, Floyd... Continue reading “What Happened? Houck Medford’s Photographic Witness for Floyd County, Virginia (Curated by Tsing Liu ’23)”

SCA Update on Dr. Wilson Processing Project

The processing of Dr. Ed Wilson’s (aka Mr. Wake Forest) papers project demonstrates how much Special Collections & Archives depends on donors and financial supporters. Special donors funded this very important project which is allowing us to make Dr. Wilson’s collection more readily available for researchers. This is how we tell the Wake Forest story!... Continue reading “SCA Update on Dr. Wilson Processing Project”

Penelope (Penny) Niven Research Files on Thornton Wilder

During the Spring of 2022 I first began exploring the papers of Penelope Niven. My project coincided with, and was influenced by, the upcoming birthday of one of Niven’s biographical subjects, American author and playwright, Thornton Wilder. Biographies of Wilder had been previously published, however, Niven’s was a distinct publication as she worked very closely... Continue reading “Penelope (Penny) Niven Research Files on Thornton Wilder”

Rising Meadow Farm: Medford Curatorial Associate Tsing Liu Curates Exhibit

In mid-October, I attended an American Farmland Trust event at Rising Meadow Farm in Liberty, NC. I was there to host our SCA popup exhibit, Rising Meadow, curated by Medford Curatorial Associate Tsing Liu. Tsing’s position is being funded by Houck and KB Medford to support the access and preservation of Houck’s documentary photograph collection... Continue reading “Rising Meadow Farm: Medford Curatorial Associate Tsing Liu Curates Exhibit”

125 Years of Dracula

Celebrate the anniversary of Bram Stoker’s classic vampire novel! See ZSR’s first edition of Dracula and other gothic novels, eat spooky snacks, and win prizes in a vampire trivia contest. Costumes are encouraged! For more information, contact archives@wfu.edu. Continue reading “125 Years of Dracula”

Screening of I’m a Woman, Phenomenally: A History of Wake Forest Women

This film, based on interviews conducted by senior Parker Beverly (‘23), tackles the subject of the history of women at Wake Forest. You will hear from numerous Wake Forest women who candidly recall their experiences along with seeing historic images from the University Archives. From panty raids and morning mixers to Title IX and historic... Continue reading “Screening of I’m a Woman, Phenomenally: A History of Wake Forest Women”

“Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream”

In 2022, Wake Forest University celebrates the 60th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. visiting the Wake Forest campus and speaking in Wait Chapel. On Thursday, October 11, 1962, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke in Wait Chapel at Wake Forest College as part of the College Union Lecture Series.[i] This was not the... Continue reading ““Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream””

East to West Book Repair Workshops

I recently taught three workshops, in the east, central and western areas of North Carolina. I hadn’t taught in person since March, 2020 and it was good to get back in the saddle. It always amazes and encourages me how hungry librarians are for this information about repairing their books. I guess we all want... Continue reading “East to West Book Repair Workshops”

Remembering Julia Bradford

Longtime users of the North Carolina Baptist Historical Collection at ZSR Library will remember Julia Bradford, who was an assistant in the collection from 1990 until her retirement in 2011. Julia passed away recently after a long illness. Julia regularly went out of her way to provide assistance to researchers and genealogists in the NCBHC.... Continue reading “Remembering Julia Bradford”