Kevin Gilbertson
Kevin Gilbertson is Web Services Librarian at ZSR Library at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. His work and interests include web systems support and development, web architecture and strategy, user experience and interface design, digital libraries and metadata standards, and web archiving. He has written on the use of open source software in digital libraries, on best practices for managing web archives, and on metadata enhancements for improving discovery services.
McCallum, Carolyn, Gilbertson, Kevin, Kelley, Steve, & Corbett, Lauren. (2017). Can RDA Content, Media, and Carrier Coding Improve Discovery Facet Mapping?. Library Resources & Technical Services, 61(2), 93-101.
Petersen, Rebecca, Gilbertson, Kevin, & Fansler, Craig. (2014). The Missing Link: Observations on the Evolution of a Web Archive. Journal of the Society of North Carolina Archivists, 11(1).
Gilbertson, Kevin, & Caudle, Rebecca. (2013). Understanding the Web and Evaluating Web Resources. Research Like a Librarian: Accessing Information in the 21st Century. wakexpress: Winston-Salem, NC.
Pressley, Lauren, & Gilbertson, Kevin. (2011). Librarians as Experts: Using the Web to Assert Our Value. Computers in Libraries, 31(4), 12-23.
Gilbertson, Kevin, & Mitchell, Erik. (2008). Using open source social software as digital library interface. D-Lib Magazine, 4(3/4).
Book Reviews
Gilbertson, Kevin. (2020). Library Web Development: Beyond Tips and Tricks [Book Review]. Technical Services Quarterly, 37(1), 91-92.
Gilbertson, Kevin. (2019). Using Digital Analytics for Smart Assessment [Book Review]. Technical Services Quarterly, 36(2), 222–223.
Gilbertson, Kevin. (2017). Customizing Vendor Systems for Better User Experiences: The Innovative Librarian’s Guide [Book Review]. Technical Services Quarterly, 34(1), 118-119.
Gilbertson, Kevin, & Denlinger, Kyle. (2019, March). Enhancing Library Discovery with Lightweight Meta Queries. Designing for Digital, Austin, TX.
Petersen, Rebecca, Gilbertson, Kevin, & Trent, Finley. (2017, October). From Wake to Winston: A Historical Timeline of Wake Forest University. NCLA Annual Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
Kelley, Steve, McCallum, Carolyn, & Gilbertson, Kevin. (2017, March). Can RDA Content, Media, and Carrier Coding Improve Discovery Facet Mapping?. LAUNC-CH Annual Conference, Chapel Hill, NC.
Rowell, Chelcie, & Gilbertson, Kevin. (2015, February). Build.ZSR: Doing DH by facilitating DH. The Collective, Knoxville, TN.
Rowell, Chelcie, & Gilbertson, Kevin. (2015, February). Build.ZSR: Fostering & Sustaining Scholarly Digital Projects at Wake Forest. Electronic Resources & Libraries, Austin, TX.
Gilbertson, Kevin, & Davis, Barry. (2011, December). Digital Storage in the Cloud: Amazon Web Services and DSpace. Digital Preservation & Data Storage, Webinar, Online.
Gilbertson, Kevin, & Bessou, Jean-Paul. (2011, March). Growing Your Own Next-Gen Catalog: VuFind @ ZSR. Next-Gen Discovery Tools in ASERL Libraries: VuFind, Webinar, Online.
Mitchell, Erik, Gilbertson, Kevin, & Bessou, Jean-Paul. (2010, October). Making your IT skills virtual: tools for learning how to implement and administer cloud-based systems. LITA 2010 National Forum, Atlanta, GA.
Committees & Offices Held
edUi 2012 Program Committee, Member. (March 2012 – September 2012).
edUi 2011 Program Committee, Member. (January 2011 – October 2011).
News & Activities
Here @ ZSR
- Introducing ZSR Search Suggestions
- Introducing the U.S. Web Design Standards
- About the New Website
- Recent Improvements to the Library Catalog
- A New (Mobile) Home Page