For students, faculty, and staff who need to organize their research and find a better way to cite sources, Zotero may be just what you are looking for! You can register for one of our workshops offered this semester or learn online from our Zotero videos. It only takes 45 minutes in a workshop or... Continue reading “Need to Organize Your Research and Cite Your Sources? Try a Zotero Workshop!” ›
As we bid farewell to 2022, let’s take a moment to review our year in reading. The following titles from our browsing collection represent books that were frequently checked out by members of our reading community in the past year. Additionally, a few ZSR librarians and staff members wanted to share their favorite reads in... Continue reading “2022: The Year in Reading” ›
The Biology Department’s Neuroscience Program has facilitated their book club each semester for many years and offers participation to students, faculty, and staff. This fall’s meeting featured Benjamin Ehrlich’s The Brain in Search of Itself: Santiago Ramón y Cajal and the Story of the Neuron. Over the course of three meetings, about 40 students and... Continue reading “Neuroscience Book Club: The Brain in Search of Itself” ›
Use Occuspace and the Waitz app to Find a Seat! The Z. Smith Reynolds Library has rolled out a new solution to help you find a seat in the library called Occuspace and the Waitz app! Occuspace empowers students with real-time data on how busy parts of the library are. You can identify where the... Continue reading “Find a Seat in ZSR!” ›
Over the past two semesters, senior Parker Beverly, has been focusing her efforts on the collecting of oral history interviews through the Expanding Wake Voices: Inclusive Student Life project. Thanks to donor support, this important work continues to expand the History of Wake Forest oral history project, with a new focus on the student experience... Continue reading “Expanded Wake Voices: Inclusive Student Life Update” ›
The processing of Dr. Ed Wilson’s (aka Mr. Wake Forest) papers project demonstrates how much Special Collections & Archives depends on donors and financial supporters. Special donors funded this very important project which is allowing us to make Dr. Wilson’s collection more readily available for researchers. This is how we tell the Wake Forest story!... Continue reading “SCA Update on Dr. Wilson Processing Project” ›
On Friday, October 29th, from 7-9 pm, the ZSR Library hosted our second game night of the Fall 2022 semester! We had 71 people in attendance, and the event was co-sponsored with WFU E-sports, the Board Game Club, Rook & Bishop, the Dungeons & Dragons Club, and the Chinese Students & Scholars Association. The atrium... Continue reading “Halloween Game Night @ ZSR – 2022 Edition” ›
On October 25th, the ZSR Ambassadors participated in a longstanding Wake Forest tradition, Project Pumpkin. During this event, children from the Winston-Salem community are invited to go trick-or-treating at dozens of booths set up by student organizations and campus departments. In addition to collecting candy and treats, there are also activities and games at each... Continue reading “Project Pumpkin with ZSR Ambassadors & the Department of Education” ›
During the Spring of 2022 I first began exploring the papers of Penelope Niven. My project coincided with, and was influenced by, the upcoming birthday of one of Niven’s biographical subjects, American author and playwright, Thornton Wilder. Biographies of Wilder had been previously published, however, Niven’s was a distinct publication as she worked very closely... Continue reading “Penelope (Penny) Niven Research Files on Thornton Wilder” ›