This article is more than 5 years old.
Today Kaeley, Elizabeth, and I are at Elon University for the fourth annual Teaching and Transformation conference. I think I’ve been to three of the four so far, and they get more interesting each year. We’re going to leave a little early to get back in time for the staff meeting, but I’m going to liveblog the events I am able to attend & including my personal comments in italics.
Periclean Scholars for Life: Transforming Lives in Theory and Practice
Charity Johansson and Tom Arcaro
From Charity Johansson
- Scholars in transformative learning field: Jack Mezirow, Robert Boyd, Paulo Freire, Edward Taylor, and Patricia Cranton
- Johansson model: status quo -> disruption -> expansion -> integration -> [status quo] -> disorientation -> disruption -> [analysis] -> expansion -> [verification] -> integration -> {maintenance}
- Parts of disorientation process: readiness/experience/engagement/investment
- Parts of analysis process: reflection/assumptions/critical analysis/shared process/options
- Parts of verification process: choice/plan/skills/action
From Tom Arcaro
- Transforming Student Lives by Creating Global Citizens
- Periclean Scholars program designed to meet this goal
- Showed video of student in program. Students combine studies… this student was also in a media convergence class. I really like incorporating this type of multimedia!
- Brought large decisions to the class to make (ex. who goes to Africa to represent the class?) How would this work if we were to let the students decide as a group about the grading structure, assignments, etc
- Gave students ownership of class and responsibility for their learning