This article is more than 5 years old.

I’m still on east coast time, so was awake at 3:30 am. I worked on finishing up a review of a manuscript submission to the Journal of Web Librarianship (I’m on the editorial board). The first session I’m attending this morning will have the editor as one of the speakers so I wanted to be able to honestly say “it’s submitted”!

At 7 am I headed out to wander around until the public library opens at 10 (my first session isn’t til 10:30).

After Craig’s comment on this being such a coffee town, I set out to find the “original Starbucks”. I’d done my research and knew it is located in Pike’s Place. I got my first cup of coffee there and took this little phone pic for Craig:

Original Starbucks at Pike Place

Many places weren’t opened, but lots of business workers were busy getting ready for a busy Saturday. Fresh produce was being set up, and tons of seafood was being put out on ice. Here’s a typical booth:

Saturday morning at Pike Place Fish Market

Right now, I’m sitting in Tully’s, another “big” coffee shop. I’m sipping on green tea and listening to a live pianist play “Summertime.”

Time to head down 4th Street and visit the public library and see if I agree with Lynn’s assessment.