This article is more than 5 years old.

I ended up making two separate trips to the library because the building is so big, I couldn’t do it justice in just one visit. It is very impressive simply because of its massiveness. The interior design theme was carried out throughout, but to me it was a very stark futuristic industrial look. The furniture didn’t say ” sink down in me and stay awhile”, but maybe that’s on purpose! Every level (and there are 10 public levels) had plenty of patrons. The computer bank on the 4th floor was extensive and more than half of the computers were in use by noon. One of the most curious things was the “spiral walk” that you could follow from floor to floor to access the stacks. I had taken the escalators to the top floor to find out that they went just one way. The only way out was down the spiral path or by elevator. I took a load of pictures, will just put a few here and if you are interested in seeing more click on one of the images to go to my flickr account where the rest reside.

Seattle Public LibraryThe exterior of the Seattle Public Library View from above A view of the second floor “living room” Mixing Chamber The 4th floor is called the “Mixing Chamber” Seattle Public Library This is one of the public reading areas