This article is more than 5 years old.

One portion of the workshop today included a categorization of course library processes and related sub-processes. The following processes were gathered from some small group work & grouped and categorized during the morning session. The key areas were:

select, identify for acquisition, import data, manage funds, order, track, interoperate with external systems, interact with external purchasing systems, audit, license, account/weed/deacquire

Metadata services
Create, obtain, enhance, ingest, maintain, normalize, license, share, manage relationships (with internal/external systems)

Weeding, Prepare item for shelf, identify/manage location, confirm availability, audit trail for services, access/rights management, consortial issues


Policy applicaiton, user authentication, resource identification, fulfilment services, notification services, ILL, Delivery, Proxy (patron, access)


Browse, search, display, help, resource integration (multi-format), resource enhancement (external metadata), gather user input/feedback, user-type specific features, manipulate data, export data, import data


Export data, provide views, data warehousing, automation/scheduling, customization, export/migration


Version tracking, archiving, (ran out of time) 🙁

Overarching trends

Increase in electronic, importance of user authentication service, importance of enabling relationships between systems, variety of disovery services, ability to recombine/remix, better access to data, more connections/collaboration between data/users/institutions/libraries, need to push data to external systems, ability to represent/apply license terms, increase in serialization of resources, increase in interoperability/collaboration needs, debate between federation (local indexing – just in case), and meta-search ( distributed indexing – just in time).