This article is more than 5 years old.

Center for Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment

Conference: Day 3

Round Table Discussions: Georgia Harper and Carrie Russell

Our table discussed: University, Innovation & Copyright: How to Become an Effective Advocate and Move Your Community from Baltic Avenue to Park Place

As students and faculty begin to use new technologies (flickr, facebook, second Life, etc) we are charged with understanding the associated copyright concerns.Barriers we have run into when promoting the proper use of copyrighted materials to the campus community include:inability to get in front of an interested audience and not being aware of what they are doing that might be infringing.Challenges are different now with new technologies, online classrooms, online course content.Being an effective advocate includes being an effective copyright educator and a point person on copyright issues.

One strategy is to try to talk to the admin assistants in each department instead of the faculty themselves.Develop user policies that are timely and extend beyond the reach of the library…policies at the institution level.Advocate for fair use.Get a copyright component into all of the classes so that the students (and faculty) can be aware of their rights as producers, and their responsibilities as users.We should start a copyright education movement on our campuses.

Additional information from all of the tables on all of the roundtable discussions will be forthcoming from the conference.