This article is more than 5 years old.

Craig, Wanda, Travis and I all spent mornings and afternoons out of the library becoming certified in CERT, the Community Emergency Response Team training. The training was extensive and exhausting. (Think CPR-First Aid-team building-survivor training and psychological distress all in one.) While the training was demanding, we did also have some fun.
Each module was taught by a different instructor from Forsyth County’s Emergency Response Team. We discussed the importance of being prepared for an emergency and utilizing the resources available on the website. With this being Hurricane Preparedness week in North Carolina, and following so closely on the heels of the tornadoes in the center of the country, we had plenty of relevant and timely discussion on how a community responds to and recovers from emergencies.

Our week included modules on:
*Search and Rescue
Travis helps with cribbing

*Emergency Response
Using cribbing to raise a heavy object off an injured individual

*Triage/Tagging and First Aid
CERT Training

*How to deal with psychological issues like survivors guilt, and providing solace to the grieving without getting too emotionally involved.

*How to respond to terrorist attacks

The number one job of any CERT member is to only enter into a rescue if your own personal safety is assured. The number two job is to save as many people as possible. So sometimes hard decisions are made in deciding how and when to treat individuals.
It was an engaging week, but it is difficult to spend so much time thinking about and reacting to such demanding and depressing topics. Part of me hopes that I’ll be able to put all of this new found knowledge to use, but another part of me truly hopes it is never necessary.


The Library now has 4 new members of Forsth County’s CERT program. Other units represented included members from Campus Police, Divinity, the Law School, Theater, and Biology.