Friday, June 24th, was the annual alumni admissions forum! We saw alumni bringing potential students to tour all parts of campus! While a tour of ZSR might not seem blog-worthy, today’s tour turned into an impromptu party in the 24-hour room (for about 15 minutes!) Joy Gambill led a wonderful tour for a dozen individuals that included a fun stop in Special Collections and Archives led by Tanya Zanish-Belcher (and friend of ZSR and Director of Development, Paul Wingate was on the tour!) We were trying out Chilly Philly frozen treats and had them waiting in the 24-hour room for after the tour. We found ourselves with enough left over to offer Chilly Philly to the next campus tours that ended in the ZSR Library atrium! We even had enough left that Rodrigo Castro allowed for an announcement on the PA system and pretty soon the 24-hour room was hopping! Thanks to some great teamwork by many in ZSR, it was a fun Friday afternoon for everyone! (and a special shout out to the ZSR Admin team for letting us give Chilly Philly a try for outreach events! They were a big hit!)

Chilly Philly