Over the past months, we have added a variety of digital collections to our site, as well as adding new materials to established collections. As a result, we are happy to have recently surpassed 70,000 items within our digital collections. Here are some of our most recent additions. Interdisciplinary Performance and the Liberal Arts Center... Continue reading “ZSR Digital Collections: More to Explore” ›
Special Collections & Archives is often busier during the spring and summer months as we receive new collection donations and transfers. Donors include university offices, Wake Forest alumni, and community members, and we appreciate them thinking of us as a repository home for their donations. Some of our newer collections are listed below, but please... Continue reading “Special Collections & Archives: New Collections (Summer 2021)” ›
History is of paramount importance for Special Collections & Archives, so we were particularly saddened by the recent loss of two of our own “founding fathers,” Richard Murdoch and John Woodard. Although Richard and John had been retired from ZSR Library for several years, their continued interest in Special Collections & Archives and their institutional... Continue reading “Remembering Richard Murdoch and John Woodard” ›
With the start of a new school year (even during a pandemic), we frequently hear: “So, I have a question for Special Collections & Archives, who should I contact first?” The first, best place to start is archives@wfu.edu, your go-to for anything e-mail and for referring reference questions, faculty requesting instruction for classes, or donations.... Continue reading “Special Collections & Archives Update 2020” ›
As we live through historic times, this is a good reminder about the value of the archives in chronicling recorded history. Archives are often thought of as old and dusty, when they are actually the representation of a current moment long past. We all “participate” in history, but we usually don’t think about our experience... Continue reading “Deacon Experiences: COVID-19” ›
October is LGBTQ history month and Special Collections is highlighting some of our LGBTQ materials in our collection. One year ago, we created our LGBTQ subject guide to assist our researchers and patrons. The subject guide is split into five categories: Documentary Films, University Publications and Records, Interviews, Books in Special Collections, and Local Publications.... Continue reading “LGBTQ History Month” ›
While reading the Winston-Salem Journal this past summer, I saw the familiar name of African American artist David Bustill Bowser appearing in a reprinted Atlanta Journal Constitution article. Bowser, born in 1820 (d. 1900) and based in Philadelphia, made his living painting ornamental banners, portraits, and during the Civil War, flags for African American Union... Continue reading “A Wake Forest Connection with African American History” ›
In Special Collections & Archives (SCA), we are continually focused on the discovery process and providing better and streamlined access to our many collections and materials. In 2016, we decided to create a historical timeline for Wake Forest, capturing the events and individuals from our past. In the process of creating our Historical Timeline, we... Continue reading “The Role of Transparency in the Archives” ›
We’re always working hard here, behind the scenes in Special Collections and Archives, to make our materials accessible to researchers of all kinds. Collection information that is found in our finding aids, for example this overview and collection inventory for the Office of the Provost, Edwin G. Wilson Records, helps SCA faculty and staff as... Continue reading “Getting the Collections to the People” ›
As we come to the end of the semester, the University Archives (Special Collections & Archives, 625 Z. Smith Reynolds Library) would like to remind all faculty and staff that we welcome the transfer of records and papers from university offices. We also encourage students to donate materials which document their time and experiences at... Continue reading “Transferring Records to the University Archives–It’s That Time of Year!” ›