
Here @ ZSR

Database News

ZSR added several new database subscriptions during the fall semester: TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource) provides genetic and molecular biology data for the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana. JoVE Essentials of Neuroscience and JoVE Essentials of Behavioral Science teach laboratory fundamentals through easy-to-understand video demonstrations. WFU also now has access to the full archive of... Continue reading “Database News”

A Message from the New Dean, Tim Pyatt

It is with great pleasure and much excitement that I start this fall semester as the new Dean of the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. The wonderful library faculty and staff I met during my interview process were a major factor that drew me to Wake Forest University and the Z. Smith Reynolds Library. They are... Continue reading “A Message from the New Dean, Tim Pyatt”

What’s New in ZSR?

Want to know what has changed in ZSR over the summer? Watch this brief (1m32s) video to find out! Continue reading “What’s New in ZSR?”

Course Reserves and Sakai: Better Together

Faculty, you already know and love the Course Reserves system for providing your students convenient access to book chapters and journal articles in ZSR collections. But did you know that you can provide your students one-click access to your electronic Course Reserves content through your Sakai course site? You can, and it’s awesome. Here’s how.... Continue reading “Course Reserves and Sakai: Better Together”

New Privacy Policy at ZSR

ZSR recently published a new privacy policy. Libraries have always been serious about safeguarding the privacy of their users, with the American Library Association stating all the way back in 1939, “It is the librarian’s obligation to treat as confidential any private information obtained through contact with library patrons.” In the 1930s, that “contact with... Continue reading “New Privacy Policy at ZSR”

Fall Workshops for Faculty and Students

In addition to weekday Zotero workshops geared to faculty and weekend Zotero workshops geared to students, the library will offer “The Right Way to Cite” before each of the weekend Zotero workshops. If you have students who need more extensive help citing sources, please recommend these back-to-back sessions, offered on three Sunday afternoons during the... Continue reading “Fall Workshops for Faculty and Students”

Fall 2015 Library Lecture Series

Naveed Jamali Book Talk and Signing: How to Catch a Russian Spy Friday, Sept. 11, 3:30 p.m. ZSR Special Collections Reading Room (Room 625, Reynolds Wing) Corey D.B. Walker, Dean, College of Arts, Sciences, Business and Education, Winston-Salem State University: “Fifeville and the Fate of the Humanities” Thursday, Sept. 17, 4 p.m. ZSR Library Auditorium... Continue reading “Fall 2015 Library Lecture Series”

Build.ZSR: Library-Faculty Partnerships for Scholarly Digital Projects

Build.ZSR enables faculty to partner with librarians to develop scholarly digital projects in support of research, teaching and learning. ZSR provides considerable expertise in project development, from simple course blogs and online exhibits to more complex and experimental digital initiatives. ZSR can help by providing Web hosting and Web development or even by implementing a... Continue reading “Build.ZSR: Library-Faculty Partnerships for Scholarly Digital Projects”

Library Partners Press Update

Just six months after its inaugural call for content, the Library Partners Press has successfully published quality monographs – by and for Wake Forest University faculty, staff, and students – in both print-on-demand and electronic formats. You can find these books at bookstores and on the shelves of the ZSR Library. Recently one title, The... Continue reading “Library Partners Press Update”

Database News

New Databases Psychological Experiments Online pairs audio and video recordings with primary-source documents – such as notes from experiment participants, field notes, letters penned by the lead psychologist, etc. – to describe important psychological experiments of the 20th and 21st centuries. New Pauly is an authoritative encyclopedia covering more than 2,000 years of Greco-Roman history,... Continue reading “Database News”