Library Assessment

ZSR Library assessment is a continuing process, using a variety of methods to evaluate and measure how effective the Library is in supporting its mission. Ongoing assessment provides library faculty and staff with the necessary data needed to improve services, identify changing patterns in users’ needs and promote library resources and services.

Library assessment activities are led by members of the Assessment Committee. Members of the FY24 committee are:

  • Veronica Escamilla-Brady, Business Manager
  • Rodrigo Castro, Director of Public Services
  • Lauren Corbett, Director of Resource SErvices
  • Thomas Dowling, Director of Technology
  • Sandy Rodriguez, Associate Dean (Chair)
  • Rosalind Tedford, Director of Research, Instruction and Outreach
  • Tanya Zanish-Belcher, Director of Special Collections and Archives

The committee establishes goals for each fiscal year. At year’s end, it submits an annual report of accomplishments to the Library administration.

Activities & Accomplishments

Assessment Goals FY24

  1. Identify a new assessment tool to replace LibQual in 2024
  2. Collect and report accurate statistics to IPEDS, ACRL, ATS
  3. Continue assessments on space usage utilizing Occuspace and other methods to provide data on space utilization
  4. Evaluate options for upgrading furniture and technology for student-facing spaces and the Faculty Commons
  5. Utilize exit surveys to evaluate the efficacy of our after-hours programming
  6. Utilize LibAnswers and other tools to track instruction, outreach, and collection data
  7. Working with the library fellow, implement a data dashboard of frequently requested statistics
  8. Work with Strategic Framework coordinator to identify data needs that will support Strategic Framework directions

Assessment Goals FY23

  1. Conduct LibQual+ Lite survey in the Spring of 2023
  2. Collect and report accurate statistics to IPEDS, ACRL, ATS
  3. Continue assessments on space usage; and implement Occuspace to provide data on space usage
  4. Utilize LibAnswers to track instruction data
  5. Identify how Alma changes our assessment activities for statistical reporting
  6. Evaluate methods to create a data dashboard of frequently requested statistics and implement in FY24
  7. Increase methods to capture data on the success of events and communications

Annual Reports

Assessment Plan

Surveys & Results

National Survey Results

Biannually, the Library selects a national standardized assessment tool that allows the Library to benchmark services against peer groups.

In 2016 the Library participated in an international survey – Innovations in Scholarship.

Local Assessment Examples

Assessment Presentations

Data Visualizations

Data visualizations can help to effectively communicate data and outcomes.

Additional Information

Assessment Resources

Data Sources