During July 2008

Here @ ZSR

Chinese librarian visits ZSR

On July 11-12, Phoebe Kao, a librarian from an international school in Tianjin, China visited ZSR Preservation for two days of book repair training. Phoebe came to ZSR via the NCPC web site and over several months, we were able to arrive at a good time for her to come. During her two days in... Continue reading “Chinese librarian visits ZSR”

Professional Development Blog Postings on ALA Annual in Anaheim

During the last week in June, several ZSR staff members attended the American Library Association’s Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA. Our reflections on our experiences at this conference can be read on the ZSR Professional Development Blog. Continue reading “Professional Development Blog Postings on ALA Annual in Anaheim”

ZSR Zephyrs Summer Olympics Update

Prentice: Top Scorer for The Competition The Zephyrs have been working hard and having fun during the WFU Staff Summer Olympics. But the Wednesday “competition” success has been elusive until this week. Each Wednesday, there is a contest between all the teams in a different sport.This week was the basketball shoot. Over the years, sometimes... Continue reading “ZSR Zephyrs Summer Olympics Update”

Intemediate Book Repair Workshop

On June 6, 2008, I taught an Intermediate Book Repair workshop for the North Carolina Preservation Consortium at Wake Forest. There were nine people from various schools across the state: ECU, WFU Professional Center Library, Catawba College and Appalachian State, Warren Wilson College and Campbell University. During the day, I covered a variety of repairs:... Continue reading “Intemediate Book Repair Workshop”

Up on the Roof

“When this old world starts getting me down……..” as the song goes, I go up on the roof! In May, I had the opportunity to check out our beloved former logo-the cupola- in person. I had mentioned in passing to one of my students, Kala Brown (whose Dad, Hugh is the “go-to guy” around here... Continue reading “Up on the Roof”