This article is more than 5 years old.

It is Archives Week in North Carolina! This year’s theme, “Home Grown! A Celebration of NC Food Culture and History” provides a wonderful opportunity for institutions across the state to highlight materials in their archives as well as create local connections.
Here at ZSR, our student Brittany put up a small exhibit in the entrance-way that contains some archival materials It also has brochures, posters, and other materials from food-related campus initiatives. Soon we will be partnering with Campus Kitchen, the Office of Sustainability, and the Food, Faith, and Religious Leadership Initiative to establish collections and schedule events. Stay tuned!
3 Comments on ‘N.C. Archives Week!’
The display looks great! Thanks to Brittany for her help with this.
I’m happy to hear the archives will be partnering with various campus initiatives around food justice! Also, I love the Archives Week bookmarks. 🙂
What a good idea! Thanks for sharing the SNCA blog post too.