During April 2019

Here @ ZSR

Lynn Book Project: Digitizing Performing Arts Materials

Along with digitizing materials from our Special Collections & Archives for our Digital Collections, another important function of ZSR’s digitization lab is providing digitization for WFU faculty who require their materials digitized for research or instruction. A recent notable project is with Lynn Book, professor of Theatre and Dance. The Lynn Book project dates back... Continue reading “Lynn Book Project: Digitizing Performing Arts Materials”

Performing the Archive Salon

Q: What does digital scholarship and performance art have in common? A: The Lynn Book Projects collaboration between ZSR’s DISC team and Theatre & Dance faculty member Lynn Book! Lynn Book, an interdisciplinary, transmedia artist is working with the DISC team to catalog and archive materials from her 40 years of artistic life. Through digitizing... Continue reading “Performing the Archive Salon”

WakeHacks 2019

On Friday, March 29th, 2019, the ZSR Library served as the location for the WakeHacks 2019, a 24-hour “hackathon” that began at 7 pm and continued until 7 pm Saturday! More than 40 students attended this event, with 42 present for the opening ceremony. On Saturday there were sponsor and partner talks, and an escape... Continue reading “WakeHacks 2019”

Triad History Day and the Garden Party to Honor Dr. Maya Angelou

Busy Weekend for Special Collections & Archives! This past weekend, Special Collections & Archives participated in two different outreach events around the Triad. We started the weekend on Saturday in Greensboro at the Greensboro History Center, and finished up on Sunday in Winston at Bailey Park. For those who didn’t make it out to the... Continue reading “Triad History Day and the Garden Party to Honor Dr. Maya Angelou”

DH@Wake 2019 Is Around the Corner!

ZSR Library is proud to announce the second annual DH@Wake Summer Institute, “Textual Data in Digital Humanities Scholarship,” May 13-17, 2019. We invite applications from Wake Forest faculty who are interested in developing a project that uses digital methods for text-based scholarship. This hands-on workshop will teach digital tools and methods for curating and visualizing... Continue reading “DH@Wake 2019 Is Around the Corner!”

Anna Hathcock Reports Her Experience Working in the Preservation Lab

Anna Hathcock Preservation Students Write about the Training and Experiences I asked my student assistants to write about their training experiences in Preservation. I have asked each one to write a short paragraph about their work experience. These students do great work and learn through experience the basic principles and best practices of Preservation and... Continue reading “Anna Hathcock Reports Her Experience Working in the Preservation Lab”

Indelible Objects: The Lynn Book Project and the Intersection of Archives and Performance

Img source: merriam-webster.com When approaching a project that aims to create a digital exhibit of an artist’s live performances, it’s important to think about where the project exists within the broader scholarly conversation on performing arts archives. Writers such as Carolyn Steedman (Dust) and Diana Taylor (The Archive and the Repertoire) have explored the role... Continue reading “Indelible Objects: The Lynn Book Project and the Intersection of Archives and Performance”