How does one begin writing a church history? In 2020 the first book-length history of Wake Forest Baptist Church was published. In this talk, Dr. Shaun Price will address how he went about the process of writing Our Story of Faith: The History of Wake Forest Baptist Church. Particular attention will be given to the early relation between Wake Forest Baptist Church and Wake Forest College during which the pastor of the church was also president of the College. Some anecdotes from the book will also be shared. There will also be a time of Q&A at the end.

Shaun Price is a native of Williamston, NC. He has been married to Joy for 14 years, and they are expecting their fifth child in August. He is a graduate of Campbell University, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, North Carolina Central University and the University of Aberdeen. In his career Shaun has worked as a college professor, pastor, and missionary. Joy and Shaun now serve as missionaries in Cardiff, Wales with the International Mission Board.