The Mummy's Curse!

The Mummy’s Curse!
Monday, October 30th, 3:30-5:00 PM
ZSR Library Special Collections & Archives (Room 625)

One hundred and one years ago the world’s most famous mummy, King Tutankhamun of Egypt, was unearthed from the tomb where he had spent more than 3,000 years. So our Halloween event this year celebrates all things mummy!

Join us in ZSR Library Special Collections & Archives for mummy-themed snacks, trivia, prizes, and some helpful (and historically accurate) incantations to ward off any curses you might encounter.

A pop-up exhibit of books from our collection will trace how our longstanding fascination with ancient Egypt plays out in popular culture. And we’ll also see how the discovery of Tut’s tomb contributed to changes in the world of archaeology and helped spur on the Egyptian independence movement.